Consoling heartbreak and forgetting about porn

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A/n: Made some edits. More jokes that may or may not fall flat,and there's more of a fun ending of the chapter. But all-in-all, if you just want to skip rereading, go on ahead.

Hanami sat on an idle bench outside the school, bored out of her skull. She just helped her ungrateful team-mate get out of his kinky bondage twenty minutes ago. And what did she get? Nothing! No 'thank you for not leaving me high and dry in the suspiciously empty classroom where any passing fangirl could kidnap me and make me their love slave' or 'Here's a box of dango I pulled out of my perfectly perfect ass. My shit doesn't stink, it's delicious and edible because I'm a fucking Mary-sue'.

Now would be a perfect time to have a flashback to kill time and boredom. And to give some clarity or glorious mayhem to any Yamanaka member deciding to randomly cycle through her head.

~Flashback to the scene that the goddess of this written world was too lazy to put in the last chapter~

Hanami bade her best friends, and debatable friend, farewell with tears and sunsets resonating in her mind. Guy and Lee would be proud, but she had bigger concerns. She's about to invade the aftermath of the tender/steamy yaoi moment. How to go about invading it was such a dilemma?Sasuke left early enough that there couldn't have been much time for clean up... unless there's a jutsu Hanami never bothered to pay attention to.

Poor Naruto would be left used and abused in the suspiciously empty room. That's just bad fucking etiquette.

..No pun intended.

'Wait.. Those two are too young to be doing that kind of thing. Shota shit like that is banned for a reason.' A shiver of disgust ran over her spine as she recalled when she managed to come across a particular banned book that featured this content.

Whoever wrote Boku no Pico should have their testies and/or ovaries gouged out.

Eventually, after careful consideration, Hanami decided it was best to cover her eyes and invade the classroom. "Tell me if you're not decent. I want the details," she called out before blindly climbing through the window. She heard a muffled sound, and she giggled at all the dirty implications that her mind came up it with. 'Time to peek" She thought perversely, as she made gaps between her fingers.

What she saw wasn't what she expected. Not unwelcome, just unexpected. In fact, she was immensely impressed.

So much so, that she decided to take a picture to commemorate it. Her ship might sail just yet. And she liked the position implications. She was a NaruSasu shipper, not a SasuNaru. A person with a stick shoved that far up their ass, should be a bottom. Maybe a switch, a firm maybe leaning more towards hell no territory. But top? Nope. Not in her fanfiction.

There was absolutely nothing more beautiful than seeing the Uchiha boy bound and gagged at her feet, and she was very much impressed at the fact that the kid in dead last managed to get this year's golden boy in effective bondage. Though she had to admit she was a little disappointed the Uchiha wasn't actually indecent, regardless of the age of consent. Unless it was soft-core porn, there wasn't any definitive proof it was yaoi. Shame.

Maybe she could convince Shika with just the bondage photo? ...No, stories have pressured her to have a sense of honor. The dango wouldn't taste as good if it were collected under false pretenses.

Then again, free dango...

'Damn," Hanami realized, . 'I'm acting too nonchalant about seeing him like this!' As (ex-)leader of the Sasuke fan-club, it would be way too suspicious for her to act non-fangirlish around the boy she's supposedly obsessed with.

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