Budding romance and loss of retirement. Yaoi will prevail!

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Comfort,' Hanami thought blissfully as she rested her head on Choji's lap, the boy munching enthusiastically on rice balls, while she was munching on some out of season hanami dango from the numerous boxes received from the farewell Sasuke-club meeting. The boy looks so adorable when he eats!

They were on the roof, where the three friends typically habit during lunchtime. It's the perfect place to rest because it's usually vacant, within reasonable walking distance of the classroom, had wide access to a sky filled with white fluffy water particles to stare at, and was within stalking distance for Hanami to get some pictures of Sasuke that she gets bribed for. And this was like any ordinary day, with the exception of Ino joining them.

And Ino being there was more fun than expected, because she has never seen the matcha-haired girl get touchy and cuddly before. Considering Hanami's time with her typically relies solely on the Sasuke fan-club and her dango payments, after the split of the hanami trio, it honestly shouldn't be that appalling. But, the slightly disturbed and confused looks from the blonde was quite the treat.

But Hanami had better things to worry about, because Choji decided to talk to her.

"Can I have some dango?" He asked after finishing off one of the many riceballs he had at his disposal. It didn't matter to her that he had food to still eat, because it warmed her heart to see that polite and slightly bashful look when he asks for food. Even when this happens practically everyday, it never gets old.

'Oh senpai who's in the same grade, I would let you have all of them if I didn't need them for sustenance.' She thought, giving him a grin and moving half of her 8 remaining supply boxes to the side of him that her body didn't habit.

Apparently this didn't go unnoticed by Ino, since she was staring at the two with her mouth open wide and gaping. The girl shared dango! Dango with matcha in it! Dango that she has literally THREATENED PEOPLES LIVES OVER!

"What the-" Ino exclaimed, before being silenced with a partially-eaten dango stick being flicked with great speed and accuracy into her mouth. Hanami gave her a grin that didn't look conspicuous at all. Nope, completely inconspicuous. Totally. The blonde choked and gagged, before spitting out the saliva ridden snack, that innocently had just the white and pink segments of the tri-colors. After the coughing ceased, she glared at the comfortable girl. "What was that for?!"

"You're too young to have your mouth open like that. It makes perverts like me get the wrong idea," she said drawled casually, munching on another stick of her happy food. Normally she would reserve the deep-throat assault for people who looked like they were going to use the forbidden word around Choji, but she couldn't let Choji remember/know about her food rule. He'd probably start feeling bad, and never ask her for food again. Or at the very least, for a good while. A good chunk of her conversations with Choji would be cut off! "Besides, you seemed like you were gonna use the fuck-word, and this anime isn't rated for adults."

"But you just said f-! Wait, what?" Ino asked when the latter part of the sentence registered in her head. What's an... animay?

"What?" Hanami asked feigning ignorance, as if she didn't just make a up a word to distract her.

Shikamaru sighed at the exchange between the troublesome women, inwardly mourning the loss of the peace and quiet that Ino's very presence disturbed. Choji continued munching happily without a care in the world while Hanami basked in the comfy pillow that is Choji's lap.

"Why are you here anyway?" Ino asked. "Shouldn't you have lunch with your own team?"

"Nope. Naruto wants to have lunch with Sakura, who wants to have lunch with Sasuke-kun, who wants to sit around and brood his conflicting feelings for Naruto away, and I'm of course rudely left out of equation!" Hanami laid back dramatically, sprawling further across her senpai's lap. The boy leaned back slightly to accommodate without hesitation, bless his pure soul. "So now I'm left wading in a pool of unresolved sexual tension."

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