...Chapter 3...

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I sauntered into the pharmacy or one could say was reluctantly forced.
       "Olivia Zee" I said to an older woman standing by the prescriptions.
"Hello Olivia. Just ten minutes and we will call your name!" She wrote my name on a paper with only one other, Cole Timber.
   I walked into a separate waiting room. Sure enough Cole was sitting there in the corner, hood up earbuds in. I had not seen him in three years. Since the 'incident' at least.
   So I sat on the opposite side of the room listening to my own music while he eyed me.
Ten minutes later as promised I heard " Olivia Zee?" The women entered the room and handed me a white bag. It rattled as I finally accepted it.
     I never bothered to say thank you because there really was no reason. I was not thankful for food supplements.
I went back to my seat to get my earbuds and phone when I heard a voice.
"Olivia Zee? You were my neighbor years back if I am correct?" I could tell his eyes were lingering as I picked up my bag and I did not really mind, but I didn't really care about anything at that moment. It was Cole. I usually lost focus around him.
I nodded slightly and stood up. Still facing away from him.
" let's catch up, tomorrow night at the Carlis Club downtown." Without me responding he left.
Why would Cole want to catch up with me? I was surprised he even knew my name and honestly I was expecting him to be a jerk. He did not seem like it then at least. Most of all though, why would he want to be seen with someone like me? I'm not at my most attractive state at the moment.

Whatever. Right?

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