Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 (Marcus POV)

 Revenge. I seek revenge.

I did seek revenge, but I was too quick.

It was meant to be a long, torturous time, but no - he had to just die like that straight away. Anyone would have thought that he didn't even care anymore!

Suddenly, a faint rustle seemed to come from just behind me and I spun around as fast as lightning.

But not fast enough...

"Tob-" I start but am soon cut off by the knife pressing into my throat.

"Don't," Tobias threatened in a scarily calm voice, "You don't deserve to be able to call me that!"


"Don't you dare! I am NOT your SON!"

A swift fist forms and arch and smashes into my jaw. As I leapt back in agony, a bright smile forced its way onto Tobias' face.

He's finally becoming like me. I think silently to myself but as if nby reading my thoughts, Tobias interupts.

"I am nothing like you! You're a monster! A bastard! You don't deserve to be alive! Just die already!"

Oh he will so regret that...

"You are exactly like me, young man. You are a monster! It's in your genes! Your mother was a monster not me! I did all that for your own good, I did it so you'd learn your lesson and you'd finally fit in there. And then you became a... a-"

"A what?" he demanded.

"A coward!" I shouted and spat in his face. Digust swamped over his face but I didn't care. I was so done with him and he was so going to pay. "You ran away from me and I promised I'd get my revenge."

And I'm about to! I almost added but I figured that it would give him a hint to my next trick.

While he was caught offguard, I slipped from beneath his grasp and whipped off my belt.

"This is for your own good Tobias,"

I smiled.

My belt whipped down into my palm and I grinned even wider.

His eyes widened at the sight. De-ja-vu I suppose.

"I'm doing this for your benefit,"

"No you're not! You never did and you never will!" Tobias lunged towards me but I was just about quick enough to roll out of the way. With the knife remaining in his hand, he dived at me again but this time, I was fully ready and instinctively flicked my wrist and allowed the buckle to smack him across the cheek.

"Twat!" he screamed out as he clutched his cheek.

I laughed without amusement.

"Ow!" I yelped as I whirled around to see what had hit the back of my head.

A knife found its way to my neck again.

"I honestly didn't think you'd fall for the old rubber band trick. Seriously?" he hald whispered, amusement clearly showing in his voice.

"What do you want?" I demanded, almost certain of the answer.

"You dead." Tobias answered simply.

And with that, I felt a swift cut across my throat then pain.

Agony. I will kill him. He will die. I will find away.

The edges of my vision went so black and blurry that I could no longer see. My knees buckled underneath me.

I collapse. But somehow, I make my final words audible.

"I will get my revenge!"

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