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I woke up to find Violetta stood at the end of my bed dressed. She seemed really excited to meet the hopeful children. I was too but I really wasn't looking forward to show them around.  Some kids often get scared or get lost so i'm left with a child crying next to be, it's a bit wierd considering they'te supposed to be in the age group 13-16 but still. 

Me and Violetta ran to school as we had to be there early. All the hopeful kids where stood in the corridor crying or shaking.  Violetta walked up to them all and told them everything would be okay, she baisically told them a story about how nervous she was and how good it turned out in the end.  By the time she'd finished I had to organise all the kids into alphabetical order. I then called them in one by one and 'judge' them on their singing ability. I left the dancing to Gregorio and Jackie.

Nobody really stood out from everyone else but this girl. She was 15 and the vocal cords she had where so powerful, she could hit high and low notes perfect. Violetta loved her too.

After all the auditions I bumped into the girl with the amazing vocal cords, I walked into her not realising she was there, her bag dropped onto the floor and her necklace got tangled in her bag, I knew that necklace so well but how did she get one?..

Violetta: Missing ChildWhere stories live. Discover now