Kindergarden Day 2

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You walked into the classroom with your all about me poster ready to present.
Teacher: "Alright class, I hope you did your homework because we're going to share them with the class! Isn't that exciting?"
Teacher: "Any volunteers?"
Daniel raised his hand and the teacher called on him.
Daniel: "Hello! My name is Daniel and my favorite color is blue, I love watermelon, I have two brothers and one sister and I want to sing when I grow up!"
Random Girl: "Boys don't sing!"
Random Girl 2: "Yeah! Boys don't sound good as singers!"
Teacher: "Hey girls! Do you want me to call your parents and tell them you're not behaving?"
Girls: "No"
Teacher: "Good job Daniel please take a seat"
Daniel went to his seat beside you and put his head down and you could hear him softly crying. You rubbed his back and hugged him.
Y/n: "It's okay Dani, I think you could sing when you grow up!" He looked up at you and smiled and wiped his tears. It was now your turn to present your project.
Y/n: "Hi I'm y/n. I have (however amount of siblings you have), my favorite color is (whatever your favorite color is), my favorite food is (whatever your favorite food is), and I want to be a model when I grow up."
Random Girl: "Why?"
Random Girl 2: "You don't look pretty"
Random Girl 3: "You're too ugly to be one"
Tears were forming in your eyes and your teacher was about to say something and then...
Daniel: "Because she wants to and she's not ugly, she's pretty!" You smiled at that
Teacher: "Alright thank you Daniel, GIRLS! If you say something rude again, I'm calling your parents! Understood?!"
Girls: "Yes"
Teacher: "Alright take a seat y/n"
You sat down at your seat and hugged Daniel
Y/n: "Thank you!"
Daniel: "Your welcome!"
-Timelapse out of kindergarten-

End of Chapter 3

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