The Power of the Raven

Start from the beginning

"Long ago," Sobo started "during the founding of Tokyo, the raven goddess herself gave our ancestors the power of the raven. Unnatural abilities, for protecting the great city of Tokyo. Passed down through generations of the Yamamoto family, these abilities gave the patron the power of flight, to stop crime before it even began. These powers still exist today." As soon as Sobo said that, beautiful greywings with a hint of purple, sprouted from her back and through 2 slots in her clothes that Yuki didn't notice before. Yuki had to tell himself to breath as he stared at Sobo. Still in shock Yuki had to tell himself to breath.

"How?!" Yuki somehow produced with his voice.

"When members of the raven are about your age, they are given the power of the raven from holy bonsai root. Yuki, it is your time." Yuki shuffled backward nervously, refusing to believe what he just heard, but his eyes telling him otherwise. Bumping into the raven statue, Yuki turned and looked at the raven. "Yuki, your mother was a Raven. Joining the Ravens is a way of honoring the fallen Raven members. Honoring, your mother." Yuki thought about this for a hot minute before he felt Sobo's warm hand on his.

"When do we begin?" Yuki questioned.

"Right now!"

Yuki slid to a stop as Sobo just slammed into him with a powerful kick. Pain rushed to his side where she kicked him.

"Again" Sobo instructed as Yuki reluctantly got up. For the past 2 hours the relatives have been practicing hand-to-hand combat. Sobo might have looked old but she had the agility of a young cat. After a few moments of fighting, Sobo baited Yuki into having an open shot on her knees. Yuki took the bait and hurled his leg toward Sobo's knees. Before Yuki could realize his mistake, Sobo hurled her arm at Yuki's chest, sending him flying backward before he crashed into the wall. Sweat gathered at his brow and ran down his face. Pain gripped him like a mother holding a baby.


"No!" Yuki said quietly.

"What did you say!?" Solo questioned.

"No, I won't get up. All you're doing is beating me up, not teaching me anything!"

"That's because you're not learning from your mistakes! If you saw where you were going wrong from earlier, you could've easily blocked that strike."

"I'm done" Yuki stated as he stormed out of the room.

Yuki exited the house and looked around the backyard. It was beautiful. Huge wisteria trees all around the yard towered over him. Yuki went over to have a closer look. Yuki thought about his father and how he has always wanted wisteria trees but never could because of the limited space in their city garden on the room. Tears gathered at Yuki's eyes. Suddenly, Yuki could feel a warm hand on his shoulder.

"These trees have been in our family for generations. They are beautiful aren't they?"

"Yes, they are" Yuki responded.

"Yuki, I'm sorry about earlier. I not sure if you know this, but I'm as new at this teaching thing as you are to the Raven. We are both learning."

"I'm not sure if I can do this." Yuki stated.

"Yuki, if you don't Tokyo will fall. You're the last hope for Tokyo." Sobo said as she stared Yuki in the eyes

"Do you think I can do this."

"It isn't my decision."

"Will it make my mother proud?"

"It will make her so proud for you to be her son."

"Alright let's do it!"

"We have a lot of work to do."

     Through the next couple of weeks, they trained hard. Yuki could feel a change not just in his body but also in his mind. He was more calm than ever and more fit than ever. Yuki's extra fat burned away and his muscles turned tense. One night after dinner, Sobo and Yuki were meditating. Unusually, Yuki spoke in the middle of it.

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