"Jaebum suffered too..and he is just like you. He didnt say anything, instead he focuses his energy on having our forgiveness. I said to him why wont you apologize to my son instead of us and he said he already did and that he know inside his heart that you already forgiven him. I looked at him and thought why is this damn boy so sure of himself? As if reading my mind he smiled and said he knows that you have a forgiving heart and that is the reason he fell in love with you."

"One time, I tell him 'dont go back here anymore, you already earned our forgiveness'. I said that just to get him out of the house but that young man still came back saying this time he will earn our love. He keep on pestering us until last week he came back and talk to us. We are here now Jinyoung to ask you a question..but let your father talk first." She turns towards his husband who cough awkwardly as he started to talk.

"Son..I broke your husband's face when he first begged for our forgiveness. Sorry but at that time I am not sorry, I would've probably killed him if your mother is not there to stop me. I was angry, I told him when you both got married to take care of you, make you happy and never ever make you cry and look at what that dumb boy did." Jinyoung's dad exclaimed as Jinyoung laugh as he nooded.

"He talked to me and said he is matured now, he is ready to pursue you again and this time he will not make the same mistake again. He said he is not perfect but he will try to be just for you. I was hesitant..what if he hurt you again, will you be able to survive it the second time? Jinyoung your Jaebum ah ask us for our blessing. He wants to marry you again..we are here to ask you."

"Do you want to be with him? Will you grab this second chance son? Because if not..I will break every single bone in that boy's body and I will probably still feel good about it."

Jinyoung wipes the tears streaming from his eyes and nooded.

"Yes..I would love to give him a second chance and I hope you both give us your blessing Mama, Papa. I want to be with him until we are old, just like you two." Jinyoung said as his parents smiled at him and hugged him again.

'Well..if that is your choice..walk on then. Baby..go on and lead your appa forward." Mrs. Park said kindly as she looks down at the child who's holding her son's hands and was looking at them innocently.

"No appa..this is mama." Yugyeom pointed up towards Jinyoung who shakes his head as he walks onwards, not knowing what will happen next.

There stood Kris and Chanyeol, holding hands and waiving enthusiastically towards him.

'We'll I'll start off, thank you for those few months that we spend together, we are happy but I was surprised that you made me even happier by opening my eyes and letting me see what has always been beside. Thank you Jinyoung for what you did for us." Kris said with a grin as Chanyeol nooded happily.

"I cant thank you enough and I want you to know that even though you will not choose me as the maid of honor I still love you as friend and as a brother. I hope you guys be happy together this time around Jinyoungie." Chanyeol winked as he shove him and Yugyeom forward.

He saw Mark and Jackson with their son Bambam.

"Hey guys..."

Yugyeom wave shyly at Bambam who looks at him and smiled.

"Well well well...someone called us for this? Really?" Jackson said as he hugs Jinyoung.

"I hope this time you two will be happy and for fuck sake please sort your problems like the adult we all are." Jackson whines as Mark slap his arm.

"Language..there are children here."

"Daddy said the bad word." Bambam announced while Yugyeom shakes his head.

"No no bad."

"Thank you guys, from the bottom of my heart for being my friends. I really appreciate all the things you've done for me." Jinyoung emotionally said as he hugs his friends.

'There there..I wish you guys happiness, life will never be perfect but I hope love will always prevail. Come on Jinyoung, life already sucks..but while it happens atleast you have someone who loves and cherish you right? Dont be afraid anymore, I can see that the man loves you, dont think about what other people will say, they are not the ones who's in the relationship." Mark said as he hugs his friend back.

"Your husband is still an ass in my eyes but I am willing to look pass that if he will make you happy. I hope this time,,you'll be happy and safe, and loved because you my friend deserve it." Jackson seriously said.

"Hey Bammie..what are you two doing?" Mark asked as he looks at the two kids who are currently hugging each other.

"I want cuddle and he wants some too." Bambam explained as he heard his daddy gasp in shock and separated the two kids.

"Jinyoung..I do love you but please tell your son not to make a move on our princess. He's still too young! I aint giving him up yet." Jackson exclaimed as he drags his child towards Mark who is shaking his head at him.

"They're kids Jackson.." Jinyoung said as he walks and hugs Yugyeom.

"Yeah and at that age you and Jaebum are already flirting." Jackson said making Jinyoung blush.

"Off you go Jinyoung..go and get your man." Mark shooed him away, as Jinyoung shakes his head and walks onwards with Yugyeom.

He walks towards the Bakeshop's receiving and dining area, he found the table and chairs stock up on the walls and a space was made in the middle where Jaebum now stands holding the rest of the flowers.

'Hi.." Jinyoung whisper as Jaebum smiled at him.

"Hi.you're supposed to walk here with me, right in the middle babe." Jinyoung chuckles and went towards his lover.

"So..I am here to ask you a question, but before that I want to tell you something."

"I love you, I am in love with you and I will probably love you until we're ashes and bones turned into ghost." Jaebum laugh as Jinyoung looks at him fondly.

"I am not perfect, I tried to be for you but I realized that I am not, the one thing I am sure of is on the love I had for you, I hoping and wishing for a brand new start with you, I want to grow old with you and have a laugh at all the stupid things we did when we were young. Jinyoung..I want to marry you again if you'll have me." Jaebum went on his knees and put out the ring.

"Will you marry me and stay with me for the rest of our lives?"

Jinyoung looks down on his lover and said

'"Yes..I will marry you again."


A/N : One last chapter or a little bit more?

Dear Ex-husband (First posted in AFF)Where stories live. Discover now