
The sun was half way in the sky when Evemina's emerald eyes fluttered open. Her muscles were tense and ached every molecule of her body. Her eyes were heavy as she carefully stretched every limb accordingly since there was not that much space in her shelter. Evemina sleepily glanced our of her hut to see that the men were already up. With a push off the ground, the maiden directed her body out of the shelter and out in the open.

The wind carcasses her cheek, making her well awake she had no cloak on. Her emerald eyes grew large and was beginning to panic when all the men noticed the only girl awake.

John stood nearby, speaking to a couple of men when he spotted the woman. He chuckled at her sudden embarrassment, "G'morning lass!"

When her eyes snapped toward him, he could not help but be overwhelmed by her beauty. Her black ebony hair swayed in the wind and her emerald eyes wavered shyly at the attention. He also could not help but feel like he had seen that face before.

Breaking his thoughts, the maiden gave him a nod of recognition before scanning the forest floor, looking for someone or something.

The giant man approached the woman with a smile, "Who are you lookin' for?"

Evemina jumped back, being startled of John's presence near her. Her eyes met light blues, "Is Locksley or Duncan around?"

John broke the eye contact in thought of her question, "I haven't seen Robin in awhile. The dark man was looking for the bloody Locksley and Duncan should be around here somewhere."

Evemina nodded and smiled in gratitude, "Thank you, John."

The large man lowered his gaze to her eyes before she quickly turned away to find one of her companions.

John stared at her back with suspicions floating in his mind, I swear I know her from somewhere.

Evemina hurried through the camp, searching for anyone. Than finally she spotted the Moor also looking for someone in a frantic manner, once the painted man spotted the woman he smiled slightly, "Evemina."

"Where's the rich boy? John told me that he hasn't been seen."

The painted man shrugged his shoulders, "I have been searching all morning. He has disappeared."

Evemina grumbled lowly as her hands tighten into fists, "He better not be playing 'catch me if you can' with the Sheriff of Nottingham!"

The Moor eyed the irked woman before him and nodded in agreement. He had vowed to save Christian's life just as Robin saved his.

His dark brown eyes stayed on the beautiful face of Evemina, "How are you feeling?"

Her emerald eyes flickered up to the dark man, "I'm feeling well, thank you." She responded respectfully. The silence hung over the two as Evemina thought of something, "You know my name however I do not know yours, friend."

The painted man's eyes widened at her words before realizing the truth behind them, "Azeem."

Evemina blinked at the name and beamed, "That is an unusual but fitting name, Azeem."

The dark man smiled at the woman, "Thank you."

The two smile at each other and start searching the camp again for any sign of Robin.

Not even an half of an hour later, they got their wish.

"A rider approaches!"

Azeem took off running towards the incoming white horse. There upon that horse was none other than Robin of Locksley. Evemina front her teeth at the sight of the horse. Obviously by the saddle it was the Sheriff's horse. The material used in the saddle is too expensive for even a Lord to buy, especially since Nottingham has been sucking all the money from the land.

I Will Always Return ~ (A Will Scarlet Love Story) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now