Untitled Part 16

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Jordan was in Denny's house the whole time her phone was in her pocket while it was recording their conversation. If nobody was gonna get his confession then she will.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" Denny asked.

The teen chuckled. "You really don't know? I know you're smarter than that. Fine I'll humor you, I wanna talk about why you did what you did to me".

"You know why".

"Yeah yeah, I told you to back off my dad and you and you're bruised ego had to take it out on me. You really thought that you'd get away with it? Woods nobody is that stupid besides everything that happened to me happened after I talked to you".

"I don't have a bruised ego".

The teen chuckled again. "Dude who are you lying to? You're mad that you got told off by a girl. A teenage girl at that hell my ego would be bruised too".

"What's this really about?"

"I said I wanted to talk, were talking. I'm actually curious about something, how'd you come up with everything you did?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"You had me arrested twice, I was jumped both times, I relapsed, almost died a few times, you shot me, and let's not forget you used my brother against me. So I want to know how you came up with all of it".

"You're crazy if you think I'm gonna tell you and let's get something straight you shot me".

"I could be crazy hell I am, just had brain surgery and instead of being at the hospital I'm here. So call me crazy just know I'm not leaving until you tell me".

"I know what you're doing Jordan".

"Really? What's that?"

"You're trying to get me to confess about what I did. Well guess what sweetheart ain't nobody gonna believe you, after all you're Hank's daughter. Who'd believe a word you say?"

"You'd be very surprised".

The teen knew that this wasn't gonna last much longer and her plan was ruined since he found out her true intentions. Without another word Jordan left the house going back to the hospital.

Chicago Med

Hank was about to be in a full blown panic attack, where had his daughter gone? Why would she leave after having surgery? Was she alright? Was she alive? Many possibilities ran through his mind. They were searching the whole hospital for her.

Erin had a gentle hand on her father figures shoulder. "It's gonna be alright Hank, she probably went to get some air".

"Why does she keep doing this?" Hank asked frustrated.

"I don't know, we'll find her".

"I hope so".

A while later Jordan came back she kept looking around to make sure she didn't get caught. She accidentally bumped into someone and when the person turned they had a look of worry and anger on their face.

"Hi Jay". Jordan mumbled.

"Where the hell have you been? Do you have any how worried we all were? You're father had the whole hospital on lock down so we could look for you". Jay say angrily.

"I'm sorry".

"How'd you get out without getting caught?"

"When you get watched in a hospital a lot you tend to learn things. One thing I learned pretty well were the other exits and the stairs".

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