Untitled Part 12

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After the loud bang the team rushed to get the door open, Adam kicked the door in. Jordan was laying on the floor with Denny still on top of her as the two were still fighting and another shot was fired. Once the door was open the team rushed over Adam pushed Denny off the teen.

"Jordan!" Alvin called out.

Jordan was on the floor as she was holding her side, Antonio and Jay was by her side while Kevin and Hailey tended to Denny.

"I'm sorry". Jordan says.

"It's alright you're gonna be ok". Jay tells her.

"Looks like a through and through, you're gonna be alright". Antonio said.

"I keep screwing things up. Ahh! Make it stop!" Jordan cried.

Jay got his radio out. "5021 George emergency, I need two buses. Got two gunshot victims. Tell them to kick it in the ass".

"10-4 buses en route".

Adam glared over at Denny as he held his arm. "You son of a bitch". Adam says charging at him.

"Adam. Adam stop!" Kevin said, holding his partner back.

"Are you kidding me? He shot Jo!"

"She shot me!" Denny yelled.

"You had my dad shot!" Jordan shot back.

"Alright, Atwater and Hailey get Woods out of here. We'll stay with Jo". Antonio ordered them.

"I'll help them". Adam said viciously.

"No you won't, you're staying".


Kevin and Hailey got Woods out of the room, the older man looked down at the teen with a smirk.

"You may have won the battle, but the war is far from over". Denny told the teen.

"I'll win both". Jordan spat.

"Get him out of here". Antonio ordered them.

Denny was dragged out of the room, Jay kept putting pressure on the teen's side. Jordan kept screaming and crying out in pain.

"I have to put pressure Jo". Jay tells her.

"I'm such a screw up". Jordan cried.

"Jo what were you doing here?" Adam asked.

Sniffing the teen looked down and her voice turned ice cold and held venom in it. "I did to him what he had done to me. For almost two days I went from being tied up to being chained up, I was beat with a baseball bat. They took a knife and cut me. I thought they were going to kill me and Uncle Kenny when he broke his cover. I had a gun held to my head thinking I was going to die. My dad was shot and almost killed in front of me. I wanted him to know what that felt like to be beaten like a dog to make him fear for his life. I was going to take that bat and beat him with an inch of his miserable life. All I told him was to back off my dad and he did this. He used my dead brother against me! He had me almost killed. He had my dad shot and almost killed. I didn't care what happened to me, I cared about what happened to my dad".

The remaining team was heart broken when they heard the teen's words. This was the first they heard about what happened during Jordan's kidnapping.

"Jo do you not realise he could have assault charges brought on you? Attempted murder? You'd be looking at jail time". Alvin told his goddaughter.

"I wasn't thinking, I wanted him to suffer they way he made me suffer. I wanted him to go through what I went through and I wanted to make him feel all of it the way I did".

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