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On board Flight 684

"Hello, this is your captain speaking, we are now approaching our final descent to London. Please keep you seat belts fastened. Thank you for flying British Airways."

"Boys, up for some charity work?" Rebecca, the publicist said.

"Of course!" Niall screamed from the back of the plane where the mini fridge was located.

"Sounds good." Liam nodded.

"We'd love that." Louis said.

Zayn just nodded, because he was busy talking to his mom on the phone.

"Charity work? For the typhoon victims that's all over the news? Harry questioned while scrolling through his phone.

"Yeah, that." Rebecca responded. She handed the boys a laptop opened to the charity's website. The boys all gathered up in a circle, scrolling down the home page.

Liam smiled, he loved helping other people out, along with the other lads. He said, " I see, and when are we going to do this?"

" You boys actually have a show on that country, so we'll be spending one day out of the city and into the damaged areas." Rebecca explained.

The boys continued to scroll through the website, a mixed emotion of sad ( because people had to go through a situation like this ) and glad (because they could help).

"Sad..." Louis said with a sigh. "Mhm," Harry said.

"Hey, who's this girl?" Harry said, pertaining to a picture of a tall, beautiful, and kind-hearted girl, as Harry described her. Because to Harry, to love is to see behind the beauty, to love is to place his happiness in the happiness of the other, and to love is to have hope that even though everything in this world has an ending, either good or bad, except true love.

"Oh, so what? you have a crush on her now?" Zayn teased while nudging Harry. "I mean, she's beautiful, but come on Harry, enough playing around with girls."

"I don't play round with them mate, I know very well that ladies aren't toys," Harry said.

"Really?" Louis gave Harry a sassy look. "Well... yeah, I mean, when I find 'the one' she'll really be the one." At this point Harry was looking down. The reason why Harry didn't want a girlfriend was because of his fans. And a never ending question: "Will they love her?"

"Don't worry bro! You'll find her." Zayn winked. Followed by Liam patting Harry's back, "Yeah mate, you will!"

Niall looked at the lads with a smirk and said, "Who knows?" Raising one eyebrow and pointing towards the girl's picture. "It's always an honor to catch Mr. Harry Styles' attention." He said sarcastically.

The boys couldn't help, but notice that Harry was staring at the girl's picture the whole time they were talking. "Harry, let's focus on the tour first, for the fans." Liam said.

Harry finally left the sight of the girl's picture and said,"Yes, yes. Of course."


"ONE DIRECTION? like THE One Direction?" I exclaimed, my jaw literally drops. The thought finally kicked in my head - One Direction? Working for the same charity as I am? This can't be possible.

"I see someone's a fan." Shiela chuckled. "I hope you don't go crazy my dear, you still have tons of things to do." I couldn't react. I was feeling appalled by the thought. As an excited fangirl - the only things that was on my mind was to run as fast as I can to tell Arielle the good news I've heard. "I'll work! I promise!" And I was frantically running towards where I last saw Arielle: down by the river. She was playing with some kids, and helping them catch some fish, which they would gently place back to the rushing currents. Watching them swim and fight against the subtle waves.

"Arielle!" I shouted, she was pretty far away, at the other side of the river to be exact.

"What?" She shouted back.

"I have great news! Wait no, not great, more like life changing news!"

"Well, what is it?"

"One Direction's coming here!"

"Don't they have a concert, which is why they're coming here?"

"No! Here! As in where we are right now!" Like how I reacted with the news, Arielle's jaw dropped too. She grabbed the kids she was with and hugged them so tight, which they gladly hugged her back too. She started running across the bridge with the kids tailing behind her, and the next thing you know it, we were hugging, jumping up and down, and of course - screaming. We didn't want our fangirl moments to be seen by the other volunteers, because they might think that we weren't working. So we stopped, and just decided to go back to Sheila for more information about them.

We were so delighted that they were going to help too, it's like finding out they were having a concert at my country all over again. Shrieks were everything that you could hear from both of us. But what else do you expect from a teenage fangirl?

We're in love. We're part of a fandom. We're part of a family. Even though my parents would just think it's a phase, or adults would say we'd grow up from it, but I see myself as an adult myself, remembering how much fun I had, remembering what led to my happiness.

We saw Sheila at the tent, which was a station where they had all their computers that track the donations, or even a place where the volunteers could eat lunch.

"Sheila!" Arielle and I both shouted.

Sheila turned to us, and the look on her face told me that she knew what we were going to ask her. "Yes?" She said, with a smile.

"So, about One Direction, when are they coming? Please don't tell me tomorrow! Because I'll be exhausted from all the work I've done from today --"

"March. They'll come here in March." Sheila stopped all Arielle's questions.

"March? The month of their concert! And the month that they'll come here? Best month of my life! I get to see them twice!" Arielle couldn't help but rejoice!

Sheila looked at us with a frown and said, "Actually..."

Well, I thought to myself, there might be a problem.

"There wouldn't be any volunteers during their stay here, it would only be them, and all their body guards helping out. Because their management wanted the whole One Direction family to help out. I'm sorry to have ruined your fangirl dreams, ladies." Shiela ended with a frown on her face.


Hi guys! Here's chapter seven! Since some readers are already messaging me to update, so here it is! Hope you guys enjoyed! I've also updated the cover, let me know what you think.

I know you guys thought that Gabrielle Rose would finally meet the boys -- I'm sorry. Still hope your liking the story so far! It's about to get even better!

March 21, He Fell In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now