Chapter 3: Life Down the Drain

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Crush's point of view

Ahsoka seems different. Her eyes, I almost didn't recognize her. Her eyes are now grey, she's in all grey. What happened to her after her mission? I better talk to Rex, and why did she say she was hurt by Jedi?
"Crush, I'm kind of in the middle of something here!"
"Sorry Rex, but this is about Ahsoka!"
"What about her?"
"She's different Rex, ever since her mission yesterday, her eyes are now grey, she's not happy, she is quiet and reserved. I heard her cry after she pushed me out of her room. I told her I thought she was different then General Krell, that I believed Jedi helped. But now, she's treating me almost exactly like Krell! She wouldn't even say my name. What in the blazes is going on? Why would she feel betrayed by Jedi? Spill Rex!"
"What?!?!!? That doesn't sound like the Ahsoka I know. She always calls us clones by our names. Something must have happened. Sure I've noticed her eyes turning more grey and less teal, but there was always a spark in them."
"Well, there's nothin in her eyes now. I guess you can talk to her yourself."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean-."
"Got to go Rex. Bye."
"Wait what did you mean?"
"I got to go or I'm dead." I end transmitting. Then rush to the hangar, then a blur of grey goes past me. Ahsoka?

Ahsoka's point of view

I rush past Crush, I told him to inform me when we got there. Ugg, why is it always me. I arrive in the hangar.
"Yes Master?" I bow my head.
"Board a gunship."
"Yes sir." As I'm boarding it, I see Krell stab Crush in the chest with his lightsaber.
"What. Why did you do that? He did nothing wrong!"
"Yes he did, he kept contacting people in other commands without permission." Then Krell punches me in the gut.
"That's for your attitude, and because you overstated your place." He walks towards a gunship, I look at the body of my one friend I had. Why?
"TANO!!!" Krell uses the force to pull me into the gunship.
I stand up and make sure my hood is on good, then I lower my head and avert any gaze I may get. We land, and I hear Anakin.
"Master Krell, this is a surprise. What are you doing here?" I can tell he glances my way.
"The council requested your presence on Couroscant."
"But my men, they need me here."
"Don't worry, I've been sent to fill in for you. My Padawan and I will succeed."
"Very well. Rex!"
"Yes General?" Rex solutes.
"You will be under the Command of General Krell and his Padawan. Um if you don't mind me asking, what's your Padawan's name?" Krell midges me and I'm forced to introduce myself to my old master, the person I aspired to be, but I guess he only cared for his reputation.
"Padawan learned Ahsoka Tano at your service. I'm the Padawan learner of Jedi Master Pong Krell, and your former Padawan learner. Is there any need of my service Master Skywalker?" Anakin looks shocked and horrified at my response.
"A-Ahsoka, Yes. May I have a word with you real quick?"
"I'm at your service master Skywalker." I bow my head at him.
"Master Krell Rex is the most loyal man you'll ever meet. Ahsoka." He gestures the area by the gunship.
"Ahsoka I'm happy to see you, but you're different. What happened to you. Look me in the eyes Ahsoka. What's bothering you?" I look him in the eyes, I sense his utter shock.
"Nothing that you should be concerned with. Haven't you heard yet, the Council permanently assigned me to Krell. I'm no longer your Padawan and I've got no chance to be ever again. I'm sorry Anakin, but this is who I have to be now. Krell is the opposite of both our personality and if I'm to succeed as his learner,  I must become similar to him. I'm sorry that I made you pity me, I've got to go. Master doesn't like tardiness." As I turn to leave, Anakin grabs my hand.
"Ahsoka, you know what it means when a Jedis eyes turn grey, don't you?"
"Yes, it means I'm broken on the inside. Broken beyond repair."
"Not just that, it means someone used a forbidden force trick on you. Ahsoka, tell me what's wrong." I just give him a big hug.
"I'm sorry Anakin, but I can't. I'm no longer your Padawan so there's nothing that you can do. I'm now a failure in the temple. Word has already spread that your amazing Padawan had to be reassigned. That's never happened before, now my name doesn't mean what it used to. If you haven't noticed, I have no identity anymore. I lost that when the Council cast me to a new master. Now, goodbye Anakin." I let go of him and head back to Krell, who is now alone. I hear Anakin's gunship take off, I look at it and a tear escapes my eye.
"Sorry master." I bow when I reach him.
"Did you tell him anything."
"No, of course not master, you are my master now, not Anakin." He didn't bye what I said, even though it's th truth.
"Tell me the truth!"
"I just did master." Now I know what's coming. He waits a few seconds before, wham. He punches my stomach, the force of it was so strong, that I go flying backwards a few meters into a tree.
"Remember this next time you lie." I'm done with his attitude.
"But master, I didn't lie."
"Oh talking back now, that's not tolerated." Now he punches my jaw.
"Of course master." My new outfit is more durable, and stain resistant. I made sure, because I knew things like this would happen. I sit there propped up on a tree, feeling my jaw. It feels dislodged. I have to pop it back in place, so I suck up my pain and do it. I let out a slight gasp, and of course someone heard it.
"Commander Tano, what are you doing here by yourself?" It's Fives.
"Nothing trooper, I just tripped. Now, go back to what you where doing."
"Um, Commander Tano, don't you recognize me?"
"Of course I recognize you AT-5555, it's just been a bad few days. Now if you will excuse me. My master is probably waiting for me." I get up and leave Fives confused and slightly hurt. A tear falls down my face.

Fives' point of view

I watch Commander Tano leave, how is Krell her master. I thought General Skywalker was, and why did she address me the the way Kaminoians do. She knows how is clones feel about that, and her eyes, they were grey. I know that they aren't the same shade of teal they used to be, but grey is just freaky. I better talk to Rex, I find him as Krell and Ahsoka are leaving.
"Hey Rex, can I have a word?
"Sure Fives What is it?
"It's the Commander, she's different. Not in a good way."
"I've noticed. She's much quieter now, and she barely speaks."
"Did you notice her eyes?"
"Yeah, but what I don't get is the new outfit. She hates covering up her skin all the way. She told me that once. It's against her peoples traditions to do that. She doesn't even show her face."
"But if it's against her tradition, why dose master Shakk Ti do it?"
"Shakk came from the same planet, not the same tribe. Each Shillian tribe has different traditions, except the tradition of Akul tooth Jewelry. That's the same all over Shili, and Ahsoka is the only Togruta that I've met who has an Akul headdress. But why are her clothes different colors? She's different all right, and I want to know why. I've been trying to get ahold of Crush, but I can't anymore."
"Crush, isn't he Krells Captain?"
"Was." We both turn to see Ahsoka.
"Ahsoka. What are you doing here? And what do you mean was?"
"Crush is dead now. He died because of something I did. Krells command is very different from Anakin's, I had to learn that the hard way. Krell leads very different to Anakin, and I have to do things differently, I had to grow up even more. I had to change the way I am, Krell is more into formal names and stuff, that's why he doesn't call you by your names. I'm sorry, but I have to go. Krell loves to punish me if I don't obey him to the letter. It's been good to see you again, but promise me that you won't give in. Promise me that, because once you break, your broken forever." She turns and leaves. She seemed to blend in with the shadows.
"What do you think that meant?"
"No clue Fives, but did you see her eyes flash blue?"
"No, but she seems lost."
"I know, and I've seen Krell's stats, highest casualties out of all Jedi. And he loves to use violence and he doesn't fight in the front with us like other Jedi. He stayed in the back."
"When did Ahsoka became his Padawan? I thought General Skywalker was in charge of her?"
"He was, but the Jedi Council did something. General Skywalker is still angry at them, especially General Kenobi. But that's all I know." Now my gears are turning, but I can't seem to figure it out. Ahsoka seems to go back to her normal self every now and then, but then she's the perfect apprentice for Krell. Things aren't adding up. What's really going on here?

Anakin's point of view

The council are fools. They probably don't regret permanently giving Ahsoka to Krell. Why would they do that? Don't they know how broken she is? I'm in the Resolute, wondering what is up with Ahsoka?
Why is she in Grey, why was she scared of me? My head hurts, I could sense all of her pain and confusion, there is something going on with Ahsoka and I'm going to get to the bottom of it.

Ahsoka's point of view

My head hurts so much, I'm so confused. Krell is telling me one thing, and my heart is telling me another. I don't know which to believe anymore.
"Yes master? I bow my head, and the clones in this area leave us alone.
"Am I correct when I say that you've been conversing with clones?"
"Yes master."
"You know you broke a rule."
"I know."
"And you know what I must do know, right."
"Yes." A tear slides down my face. Krell injects me with something, and everything goes black. Little did I know, Fives was watching.

Faith cost her everything حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن