eight 》sunny revelations

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y/n's pov

It ended up that, after preparing my outfit, bag, money and all that, I was to be dragged back to BF/N's house and sleep over there. She, her mother and her brother were a lot more organized than my mum, my dad and I, so it'd only be natural that they'd be in charge of organizing all the important stuff, like travel times and such. The venue wasn't that far from the area we both lived, but if we wanted to be either early or on time, we'd most likely have to take the quickest form of public transport.

This morning, BF/N had me dressed in a knitted, pastel pink cardigan and a white dress underneath it. When I was still half asleep, she had thrown an unopened pack of pastel color tights at my face and told me to wear the pink ones, so bleary and saltily, I did, and am still wearing them now.

I threw the packet back at her face for karma and a laugh when I got tired of holding it, but she'd thrown it right back at me because she said I should keep them to add to my already limited pastel aesthetic.

Y/N: 1
B/FN: 2

This girl, I swear...

While I had sat on the side of her bed in my super warm cardigan and significantly less warm dress, BF/N had dug through the bottom of her wardrobe and pulled out a pair of white buckle shoes, still pristine as if by some miracle of cleanliness.

"Here, wear these." She said, sliding them across the laminate floor towards me.

BF/N's room was pretty weird, as far as a bedroom goes. There was no carpet, but she spent her money on a multitude of pastel rugs to contrast the black laminate on her floor. The walls were white, but not like you could see them anyway. It was either covered up by her bed, a bunk bed (she had no siblings sharing her room with her, so the top bunk she left reserved for me at sleepovers), various other furniture, her mirror or her countless posters, whether it be anime, singers I struggled to distinguish or K-Pop (I noticed Jimin in an instant, even among all the other group's posters she had.)

I slipped the shoes onto my feet, staring uncertainly down at them.

"Won't I get them dirty?" I asked, leaning down to adjust the buckles.

"They're the easiest things ever to clean, so don't worry about it." BF/N said, pivoting on her heel to turn to look at me, but overshooting her turn and ending up facing the wardrobe again.

We both burst out laughing.

"Great turn, miss ballerina." I joked, as she just took a normal turn to face me instead.

"Calm down, Cinderella, I've still got to do your hair." She giggled, walking over and grabbing her brush on the way over. "I think a plait might be good. A bun is too over the top..."

I let BF/N experiment with my hair to choose my hairstyle, and zoned out thinking as she did so. I'd finally be meeting Taemin; and Jimin, and Jungkook, and J-Hope... and the list goes on for about four more people.

Speaking of, I hadn't checked my phone today. Was Taemin busy too?

I felt BF/N stop pulling on my hair to put it in the plait, and she swung the finished braid over my shoulder. After it hit my cheek, I turned my head to face her and she unexpectedly slipped a hairband on my head to keep my fringe under control.

"There. You're done." She smiled. "You don't need any makeup, definitely."

Finally, we stood outside the venue. I had faithfully followed BF/N onto multiple buses and down multiple streets, and just as I had started to doubt she actually knew where she was going, we spotted the building in the distance.

There was no line outside, but the sign by the door made us sure we were in the right place. When we tried, the doors weren't locked, and we went inside, only to get directed to another room by someone who looked fairly like staff.

It looked just like the majority of the fansign videos I had seen online. There was a row of seven seats at the front, accompanied by a row of tables in front of them. The seats were, so far, empty, but the tables already had papers, pens and either cups or water bottles on them for the yet to arrive BTS members.

Us and our fellow guests had seats towards the back of the room, for while we were waiting.

With a sudden moment of realization, I gasped to myself and nearly started to cry.

This was happening. This was really happening.

"Y/N? Calm down, Y/N." BF/N smiled, patting my shoulder as the only affectionate gesture that wouldn't mess up my pastel attire or neatly done hair. I blinked forming tears from my eyes, and tried taking calmer breaths.

But then the famed BTS walked into the room and took their seats, settling in and smiling and waving and being generally just nice to all the fans seated in the room, and I started crying in happiness all over again.

It was a beautiful experience I couldn't replicate with words. Momentarily, I had forgotten that I hadn't yet met Taemin, and that I didn't even know what he looked like anyway.

First, I had spoken to Jimin. Then Namjoon, then Jungkook, then Yoongi, Jin and Taehyung.

Although they were all immensely nice, talking to Hoseok was the highlight of my life so far.

We had talked, and that was normal, but as he was signing my little signature book, he said the last thing I would have expected him to say.

"You're F/N, aren't you?"

In shock, I looked up at him. He smiled, like the sunshine of BTS he is, and spoke again.

"I'm Taemin! Well, you knew me as Taemin."

I was silent for a moment, staring up at him in surprise. I tried to comprehend it.

Taemin was Hoseok. Hoseok was Taemin. All this time, I had really been talking to...

Tears filled my eyes, tears of utmost happiness. If he hadn't been the boy, Taemin, I had been talking to, he wouldn't have known the fake name I had given him. He wouldn't have known I had talked to anyone called Taemin in my whole life...

Smiling, he stood up from his seat, and walked over to me to gently pull me up onto my feet. As he softly embraced me, I could practically feel the jealous glares of all the other fans- most likely all the J-Hope stans- but I didn't care.

It was the happiest I had ever been in my life.



well this is earlier than i expected xD

i ended up working on it all day in school today. i had a full hour in science class too, because my teacher was dissecting a lung and watching was optional.

...i opted out, i find dissection super disgusting xD

but yeah!

it was hoseok this whole time >.<

...sorry if i didn't get the personality spot on xD

i had personality references, because my friend summed them up for me, but i kinda feel like i didn't hit that target either xD

but anyway!

just an epilogue left xD

i feel like if i end it here, i'm leaving a few strings untied, like, they gotta explain it all to y/n first xD}

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