six 》merely a week prior

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okay so

bf/n can mean friend's name because i already took f/n for fake name xD

(also if anyone's wondering @bts.bighitofficial is actually the official instagram for bts >.<)(and i made up an instagram name for y/n's friend yw- xD)

ALSO! i came to a realization that none of this story is logically possible because the possibility of finding seven bts fans and someone close to each of them that also like bts and would be willing to be in on the whole fan surprise thing and it coincidentally being right all seven times is very low xD

but hey it's fanfiction so i'll shut up xD}


friend's pov

One thing you could never expect is a message from your favorite music group's company run Instagram.

bts.bighitofficial: you're bf/n, right? do you happen to be close at all to y/n l/n?

At first I was a little jealous. Why where they asking for Y/N, my childhood friend, instead of maybe me? It could have been the other way around and I could have been the one at the receiving end of this grand fan surprise.

bts_jimin_is_an_angel: yeah, she's my best friend.. you aren't a fake or anything, are you? why do you want to talk to me about her?

But I was also suspicious. If I gave information out about her without her permission, to an Instagram account that many people would most likely choose to impersonate, what dangers could I put both of us in?

bts.bighitofficial: the members in bts wanted to organize this really special fan surprise. they wanted to text seven fans anonymously, by saying they must have had the wrong number but then proceeding to get closer to the people they texted so they could be friends.

bts_jimin_is_an_angel: um... and?

bts.bighitofficial: we checked records to find people who frequented bts events to see who were the bigger fans, you and y/n were two of them. we have records of who people went to the events with, too, and made a list of the people who had gone with people we could contact, and had the members choose seven fans randomly from the list. we're trying to contact the people who accompanied them now.

bts.bighitofficial: and this is the official account, yes, so no worries there. there was no public announcement about all this so we didn't ruin it for the potential seven.

I guess that could be plausible. I really don't know how records like that work, though, so who am I to question what they're telling me?

...You can't even have an identical username to another account anyway. How could it be a fake when it's this identical?

bts_jimin_is_an_angel: okay, i trust your word! i'm guessing you want her phone number so the member who chose her can talk to her?

bts.bighitofficial: thanks for trusting us! and yes, that'd be great. you have to keep this confidential, too, don't tell anyone anything about this.

bts_jimin_is_an_angel: alright! i'll keep it all secret >.<

bts.bighitofficial: that's great! thank you for being trustworthy.

bts_jimin_is_an_angel: you're welcome! ..okay, i'm gonna look in my phone for her number...

bts.bighitofficial: great! we'll send you two tickets to their fansign next month, so you can go meet them and make the big reveal for her. and seeing as everyone else's chances to go to this are through buying the new album, we'll send two for the both of you.

bts_jimin_is_an_angel: oh, thank you! it's her birthday soon, i'll give them to her then! now, here's her number..


But why would I be messaged by them for longer than needed? As soon as they had the information they needed for the surprise, and we had exchanged farewells, there was nothing more to be heard from them.

The only experience of a lifetime, yeah?

"BF/N! Food's ready!" My brother called from downstairs. Shouting an 'okay' back, I turned my phone off and left it on my bed before going downstairs to eat.

I Think You Have The Wrong Number || BTSWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt