two 》i'm sorry, the number was wrong all along

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saturday 2:30pm

taemin: i'm sorry f/n, the number was wrong in the first place 》2:30pm

taemin: i had to bother you for no reason ;-; 》2:31pm

taemin: f/n? 》2:47pm

saturday 3:07pm

y/n: sorry taemin! i was in college 》3:07pm

y/n: just got out tho 》3:08

y/n: and it's okay! being honest that convo was the highlight of my day on thursday, the rest was just studying haha 》3:11pm

taemin: you were in college on saturday? 》3:13pm

y/n: yeah, extra credit work if you could call it that 》3:14pm

y/n: i've got final exams coming up soon so my professor let me come in so she could help me out with some studying 》3:16pm

y/n: she's always so nice to me, i'll be sad to graduate and leave her class but i guess that's just how it is, right? 》3:18pm

taemin: you might meet her again in public after you graduate :D 》3:19pm

taemin: i saw one of my old college teachers the other day, we still both remembered each other 》3:20pm

taemin: we ended up getting some coffee and catching up :D 》3:21pm

y/n: aww, that must have been nice! 》3:22pm

taemin: it was! turned out he's moving back to america to see his family 》3:24pm

taemin: his younger sister graduated so he wanted to see her 》 3:25pm

y/n: that's sweet of him! :D 》3:27pm

y/n: oh, when did you graduate? 》3:28pm

taemin: a few years ago. maybe one or two 》3:29pm

taemin: what subjects do you study? 》3:30pm

y/n: they don't go very well together but 》3:32pm

y/n: music and business 》3:32pm

y/n: it's a bit silly haha 》3:33pm

y/n but i was inspired by bts ^^;; 》3:33pm

y/n: they work so hard on their albums and all that 》3:34pm

y/n: so i want to do stuff like that too ^^;; 》3:35pm

y/n: oh i'm sorry, i rambled ^^;; 》3:37pm

taemin: no, it's fine! 》3:38pm

taemin: being honest... 》3:38pm

taemin: i'm kinda the same haha 》3:40pm

taemin: i did similar subjects, but i was inspired by other groups cuz bts weren't very big then 》3:42pm

y/n: we're more similar than we think! haha >.< 》3:43pm

saturday 4:13pm

taemin: good luck for when you have your exams ^^ 》4:13pm

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