The Baby Project

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I walk down the hallway and around the corner.

Brendon walks up beside me and says, "Hey."

"Hey," I say glancing at him.

"Ready for health class," he asks.

"Yeah," I say coldly.

"I heard that Mr. Willy's going to make us do some type of project," he says looking at me.

"Ughhh, Patrick and I already have to finish the history project," I say sighing.

Brendon runs his fingers through his hair, and we walk in the classroom. I sit down in my seat.

My friend, Nicole, turns around and says, "Hey, I'm having a party this weekend at my aunt's lakehouse, and you have to come."

"Okay. Can Patrick come," I ask putting my books under my desk.

"Yeah. The more the better. I'll tex-," she says

"Alright class, today we will begin a very big project that will count as 50% of your grade," Mr. Willy says walking, carrying boxes.

He sits them down on the floor and leans on his desk.

"You all know that unprotective sex is bad. You also know that the outcomes can be worse at your age. Today, I will pair you up and assign each couple a baby. Then, I'll give further instructions after that," he picks up a clipboard, "Nicole and Brant. Rachael and Eric. Polly and Damon. Bella and Tate. Hillary and Gunner. Ally and Steven. Jessica and Austin. Sue and Kaden. Brittnay and Josh. Melissa and Dylan. Riley and Brendon. Now everyone get together with your partner."

I sit in my desk while everyone else moves. I cannot believe I got paired with Brendon! I sit there with my head in my hands wbile everyone else moves to get with their partner. Brendon connects a desk with yours and sits down smirking.

"Can you wipe that smirk off of your face," I ask.

"Why? Is it making you mad," he asks.

"Yo-," I get cut off by a scream.

Everyone looks around the room with confused looks on their faces. The scream continues... it's coming from out in the hallway.

"Everyone stay put," Mr. Willy says running out of the room.

We all run to the door. Brendon and I stand at the back of the group trying to get a glimpse of whoever was screaming. Everyone's whispering. Minutes later, Mr. Willy quickly walks in the room with sweat pour from his face. He looks like his just seen a ghost.

"Someone call 911," he says out of breath.

Everyone pulls out their phones and quickly dials 911.

"Just one person," he shakily says.

Josh hands Mr. Willy his phone.

Mr. Willy quickly says, "Yes, this is Mr. Willy from Brobeck High School. A student found a girl unconscious barely breathing in one of the lockers in the locker room. There's a deep wound on her forehead."

He hangs up the phone and quickly locks the door.

"Who was it," I nervously ask.

"I think it wa-," he says getting interrupted by the intercom.

"We're going into lock down. Teachers and students please lock all doors and stay away from the windows," the announcement says.

Miss Jackson (A Panic! at the Disco and Fall Out Boy Fanfiction) //ON HOLD//Where stories live. Discover now