Wet Dream from the Web Scene

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I get my key out of my bag, and slowly open the door. The door lets out a sharp creak.

"Shit," I mumble as I quickly shut it.

The lights flash on, and my mom and dad comes walking around the corner.

"Why are you coming home this late," my mom sternly asks.

"You know your curfew is 10:30 on school nights," my dad sternly says.

"I went home to Patrick's place to watch the band practice. Then his parents wanted me to stay for dinner. After that we had to work on the project for History and do homework," I say putting my bag by the door.

"You could've called and told us where you were," my dad says.

I pull my phone out and say, "I did call mom and text her before I left school."

"I never got any text or call," she says checking her cell phone.

"Well, it says it right here," I say looking at my phone.

"We'll let it slip just this one time," my dad says.

I sigh and say, "Well, I'm going to take a shower and go to sleep."

I walk up the stairs to the bathroom. I take a shower and put on my pajamas. I grab my phone and there's a text from Patrick.I smile and open it.

It says, 'Goodnight Beautiful ;)'

'Goodnight Handsome ;)' I reply.

I lay the phone down on the nightstand and turn off the light. I pull the covers up and roll over. I close my eyes and open them again. Laying beside me is Brendon completely naked. I grab a pillow and cover my face up with it.

"Brendon, what are you doing in my bed naked," I yell trying not to wake my parents up.

"You're the one that was pleading with me to come over here, and let's not forget you're naked too," he whispers leaning closer to me.

"Stop messing with me. I'm in my pajamas. Now, get out," I say pushing him back.

He grabs my arms and starts crawling through my bed.

He climbs on top of me and whispers, "Come on, take that pillow off your head. I would like to see every inch of your body when I fuck you."

He reaches and takes the pillow off of my head. He leans down and kisses my cheek bone slowly.

"Stop it, Brendon. You're not Patrick," I croak out.

"You know you love me deep down... deep deep down inside of you," he whispers slowly kissing my stomach.

"That's en-enough," I whisper.

Right when his mouth reaches my belly button, he slides his hand down my waist toward my thigh.

I close my eyes and let out a small moan. When I open my eyes, Brendon's replaced with Patrick.

"Ready for round two," he whispers.

"Where did he go," I quietly ask.

"Where did who go," he asks.

"No one," I say smiling.

"Round two," he asks.

"Round two," I say smiling.

Right when we're just getting started, I hear my mom calling me. I blink, and Patrick's gone. I wake up to see my mom standing in the doorway knocking on my door.

"What," I mumble yawing.

"You have to wake up for school," she says.

I throw the covers back and get out of bed. I quickly do my hair, makeup, and throw on my clothes. I walk downstairs and eat breakfast. When I grab my bag, a car horn blows. I look out the window and Patrick's sitting in his car. I walk outside and Patrick walks over and opens the door for me. 

"Good morning, babe," he says kissing me on the lips.

"Good morning, Patty Cakes," I say kissing him back.

I sit down in the passenger seat, and he walks around and sits and the driver's seat.

"Crap, I forgot to do my homework," I say pulling it out.

"Holy smokes, me too," he says.

I laugh and say, "You're the only person I know who would say 'holy smokes' over homework."

 He laughs, and I quickly do my homework. After I'm done with mine, I grab his book bag and pull out his homework.

"I can do my own homework," he says smiling.

"I want to do it why you drive," I say filling the sheet out.

When we arrive at school, I put the sheets back in his book bag. He wraps his hand around mine, and we walk in the school.

"Well, I'll see you next class. Right now I have to go to health class," I say kissing him.

"See ya," he says kissing me back.

Miss Jackson (A Panic! at the Disco and Fall Out Boy Fanfiction) //ON HOLD//Where stories live. Discover now