Silverwolfeg (Prologue)

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               As we were getting close to their hideout, the abandoned garage on the bad side of Seoul, we heard the faint conversations admitting all the rules they have broken become louder and louder as we near our destination silently. The anticipation is exciting. I'm confident enough in my skills to know this is gonna be a pretty easy mission, but a mission none the less. I'm interested to know how much of a fight this smol fry gang can manage to put up before we wipe them out. Oh well, that doesn't matter in the end. It's a shame they thought they could steal from us, from me though. They had quite a bit of potential. But, they decided to waste it, stupid Silverwolfeg gang. Tut. Tut. guess I have to use them as an example for all the other smol fries under me now too. We arrive at the abandoned garage exactly on schedule, as planned. "Hey Joon?" 

"Yeah?" The purple haired man on the right of me said with a smirk, obviously excited for whats about to go down.

"You ready buddy? It has been a bit since you were out in the fight instead of behind the headset. Try to keep up~" I tease, my white hair rustling a bit in a breeze that just went by.

"Always. It's been too long. This can't be that hard though. I mean, they are just a smol gang under us." he replied confidently.

We both ended up smirking. This was gonna be fun. "Yo, Hobi?"

"mhmm" hummed the man on my left with a heart-shaped smile that our victims are about to die without ever seeing.

"Good luck man; although you won't really need it, will you weapon master?" I say with a smirk never leaving my face. Hobi just casually grinned. 

"Nope! But thanks for the gesture, Yoongz." He responds. Lazy grin still played on his face. We arrive at the spot and instantly, all joking and sound altogether stops. The air heavy and thickly laced with the tension and apprehension of those on this shady scene. Suddenly, a clear, ringing sound emits, tearing the tense silence as easily as if it were paper. Thus signaling the fight has begun. I glance over to my left and see Hobi was the one to drew a pistol and fired the singular bullet that immediately killed a man with a headshot. Not half a second later, the fight really begins, and there are gunshots sounding everywhere and men falling like flies to a certain, uninjured squad of three tearing through the abandoned parking garage. Silverwolfeg put up a decent fight, for noobs. However, they were no match for professionals, such as myself, Hobi, and Joon. And if you haven't guessed this yet, I'm Yoongi. Min Yoongi; AKA The mafia king. These two beside me are my best friends Namjoon and Hoseok. They are my left and right-hand men. They, themselves are mafia bosses, but I'm the most influential and powerful.  As of right now, we are wiping out, extinguishing, exterminating, whatever terminology you wish to use; we are killing a whole gang because they thought that they could steal from us and get away with it, simply because they are under our control. I find this completely Ludacris. I don't need this kind of people under me, so they get to die. Say goodbye. Truth be told, this garage is getting a new paint job. It went from an old grey rock thing to a nice, blood red color. Not exactly relaxing... Oh well...more like exciting! We are almost done here. There are just two more people left to go, and those people would simply be the founder of this gang and her girlfriend. I might felt the tiniest ounce of pity for the girlfriend because this isn't her fault and she's just in the wrong place at the wrong time... but, no witnesses, so r.i.p. innocent I'm about to kill. I'll make it quick. Just then I hear a scream and my ears perk up. 

"IT'S THEM! GO GET EMM!" I say with a raised voice but not loud enough for our targets to here.

At the top of the ramp up to the next level in this parking garage, we see none other than the only innocent being killed tonight. The little girl stands there, wide-eyes, tearing up, shaking, but probably frozen from fear. I feel slight pity, but I stick with my resolve. I deeply sigh. Sorry, little innocent. I point my gun up to her head. She screams and crouches down in a ball-like fetal position. I sigh once again. "Sorry little girl, but goodbye. This will be painless." I walk towards her until I am right in front of her. I point my gun down at her. She squeaks. Then, one final bullet goes off for today, and we all stay silent for the innocent life that I just stole for a few minutes. After about 10 moments of silence and heads hung low, Namjoon, Hoseok, and I start to head home. After today's long day, we are all excited to see some certain furry friends of ours. 


Sooo... Hey guys! I (J)Hope you enjoyed the prologue to Mafia Tails! This is my first book, and please don't be rude with it. I write it all out but  SwolfeG helps me come up with ideas and this is a collab book. Later, it will be posted on her profile too. There will be more chapters to come soon! :) 

Word count: 920

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