The beginning

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As a secondary school kid, i didn't have a-lot of friends. Most of the time id walk down the corridors of school staring and observing all the groups of separated boys and girls and the best friend cliques. In my spare time i would study for the next assessment or exam but if there wasn't one on the way, i would sit and read a book or watch the fantastic world of youtube.

The first day i saw Shane was when i was sitting on one of the outside lunch tables reading morganville vampires book 3, he was just standing there just looking around, not doing anything. The only problem was, every single girl had his eyes on him, like seriously you could even see the twinkles in their eyes, it made them look like anime figures. I wasn't surprised though, because he was gorgeous. His hair was a dark chestnut brown and it was cut in a shaggy style, it was long but not too long it was just about underneath his ears. His eyes were a shiny turquoise and his hair covered them slightly. He had freckles all the way across his nose and cheeks. He was a dream. He was a wearing a baggy white t-shirt with black skinny jeans and black and white adidas trainers with huge tongues.

After that day i started observing him more, i noticed he liked going to the library, my first thought was ' omg me and him have the same interests, hardly anyone comes into the library.'
If i didn't follow him there, i followed him to the field, just behind the school grounds, thats where i found out he likes to play guitar. Its easier to observe him in the field because I'm like a half wolf person, i can turn into a white wolf so i can sneak into the field, where in the library i have to pretend I'm reading a book but then i accidentally read a word and then i cant stop reading so in the end i loose Shane.

After a few days of observing Shane, i lost my interest but something wondered in the back of my mind ' who is he?.' He might just be a normal guy but something told me that he was hiding a secret that i had to discover but in the end i tried to ignore the thought so i just went back to my normal routine and left Shane alone. One day i was sitting in my art lesson , which is my favourite lesson, and while i was drawing my sketch of a white wolf howling at a blue moon, of course, Shane came up to me and whispered in my ear " i know you was following me last week"
Suddenly i froze, my heart started pounding like a thunder drum and sweat started dripping down the side of my face, not that he could see because of my hood, but my question was how did he know? How did see me following him? No one else seems to notice , not that I'm a stalker or anything its just i observe everyone who i haven't seen in school before because i don't know if they could be a threat or not. The next thing he said was " meet me in the woods at the end of the field."

After that lesson, i knew something was up with him and that something was gonna start. I was worried he was gonna be threat because the last time i was threatened, it wasn't nice, you can probably imagine if you know what wolves are like. I didn't know wether to meet him or not at first but in the end i decided that i should see whats gonna happen next in this story.

How i met Shaneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें