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Elena was sweating profusely she was trying to run away out some strange string pulled her back to where escaped from. She tripped and fell face first on the ground, she groaned in pain but she tried to lift herself and she looked before her there was nothing in sight except of dark woods. She was lost and she did not know how she got her or how she was supposed to get out of her. Then she saw her son by a big mansion there was all type lethal weapons behind him, tonnes of them. She shouted at him to get away from there and protect herself but he just stood there smiling at her. Tears rolled and stained her face she was pulled down by such force she could barely lift herself up to go and protect her son. Jaby came up to where she was and lifted her off the ground, he was frightened but did not let it show on his face but she knew it all. How can a mother not know when her child is in worry or scared even though they would not let it show.

"Mom, I'll take care of everything. Don't worry or be scared I promise to protect you and our family with all my being." With that said he walked away, he did not even turn to look at her even though she called out to him. She needed to call Ethan, only he could find and help their son. Their son needed protection and only his father could provide that. She looked everywhere for Ethan but he was nowhere in sight.

"Ethan!" she called out again and again. She was jolted awake when she thought her callings were about to reach her husband.

"Elena, are you alright?" grandpa asked her.

"Jaby? Where is my son?"

"He is in my room sound asleep." She cried out thank God it was just a dream, just a bad dream.

"You should go and see him so that you can rest assure." He said again, she nodded her head and walked out of the room to go see for herself only then she will be able to rest herself. She saw her son sound asleep, such a peaceful slumber he was in. She wanted nothing more than for him to live forever in peace. This was the 4th time she dreamt of her son but not the dream she wanted to dream or for him to live. How was she to cocoon him up and keep him away from the world's harshness? She wanted to erase all the storms that he was to face, this was how life was, she will take the blow for her son's sake if only it was possible. She had a very weird feeling regarding her dream.

Jaby was at school with men looking after him but her dream was so vividly in her sight making her want to keep her son forever in sight and not let him be anywhere else but that would only worry the rest of her family she was being paranoid. She constantly held to her device wanting to call the men who were with her son, if she did it will the 11th time in the past 3 hours since she last saw him. Ethan was yet to be back and she was going crazy from the inside.

She needed to get her mind off her dream it was nothing to worry about. She was overthinking it. She went back home early and helped Martha with dinner she made favourite tiramisu. The elders were off to attend an event. She sat with her son at for dinner asked him about his day and he was all full of excitement, he was learning new tactics at the martial arts class and enjoying too. She was to talk with her husband if their son had any problem at the martial arts class but that was not the case. He saved his father from getting an earful.

"Mom did you know we have to collect all the other colours belts to get the black belt? Our Sensei has one too and it's so cool." She did not know much about martial arts but she was learning, their son was taking up Judo-Karate.

"How many belts do you have to attain to get to the black belt?" He smiled at her hurriedly swallowing the dessert that he just put in his mouth. Then he continued telling her how they were supposed to earn each belt and by the time he reached on explaining to her about the black belt the elders arrived. They all sat and listened to him

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