Chapter 18: Gender? Names? Babysitter?

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Hoseok's POV

Hoseok was now about four months into his pregnancy. His belly was showing through all of his slightly tight shirts and some of his loose shirts and hoodies.

Dr. Yoo has once again come over to check on him. "Your baby seems healthy." Dr. Yoo inspected. "I can make out the gender of the baby. Would you like to know or wait until the baby is born?"

"We'd like to known now." Yoongi stated.

"Congratulations, you are having a girl!"

"Oh my, really?!" Hoseok said excitedly with a bright grin on his face.

"Well that narrows down the names." Yoongi said.

"You've been thinking about names?" Hoseok questioned.

"Yeah, ever since the others mentioned it."

"What names have you come up with?" The doctor asked.

"I was thinking about naming our child Sope."

The two other males looked at him like if he was crazy.

"I'm just kidding; Don't take it seriously." Yoongi said laughing a little. "I was thinking about naming her with something that related to our names."

"Oh thank god you were joking." Hoseok said, sighing out of relief. "I honestly didn't except you to be thinking about names."

"And why not?! I can come up with good names!" Yoongi argued.

"Ok, then tell us the names."

"I was thinking maybe Myeonggi, Myungsook, or Haneul for the girls. There are others I've thought about, but I don't know if there any good. I was thinking maybe Haneul because it was closest to your name."

When Yoongi finished, Hoseok was happy to know that his lover had thought about names that were similar to theirs, especially when he preferred the one that most matched his. "Those are good names."

"You think?"


"Sorry to interrupt, but, now that you two know the gender and have discussed names, I need to inject the medicine." Dr. Yoo said.

"Oh, right. Sorry about that." Hoseok apologized.

"It's fine." Dr. Yoo got out the needle and injected the medicine into Hoseok's waist. "Are there any questions before I take off?"

This time, Hoseok remembered not to forget what Bang Pd-nim said about asking him about a babysitter. Last time that Dr. Yoo has come over, Yoongi wasn't there to remind Hoseok about it, and Hoseok totally forgot to ask.

"Yes, there is something we have to ask you." Hoseok answered. "Is there anyone that can be a babysitter?"

"Why are you asking?"

"Our boss said that we'll have to pay a babysitter for them to take care of our baby when we do shows, interviews, and other things like that. If we don't find one, then we'll have to put the baby up for adoption."

"I'm sorry to hear that, but I don't know anyone so trust worthy as to reveal the truth about male pregnancy, and since you two are idols it would be hard for that person to keep it a secret."

"Are you sure? There isn't any relative or close friend that you can trust?" Yoongi asked with desperateness and hope laced through his voice.

Dr. Yoo had a thoughtful look on his face before answering. "I have a daughter that found out about male pregnancy. I had accidentally forgot he papers at home the first time they were given to me.

She found them in my office and asked me about it. She thought it was interesting and was ok with male pregnancy. She's also supportive of the LGBTQ community.

She lived on her own now in America and is a nurse. I'm pretty sure if you pay her well enough, then she wouldn't mind babysitting a baby. Plus, she's really fond of babies."

"Then can we meet her? And give her an interview? What's her name?"

"Yoo Chorong."


A/N: Hey guys! I'm still rewatching anime. I just finished watching 'Soul eater' not too long ago, and now I'm watching 'Ouran High School Host Club'. I need to get a life. ._.
I learned the chorus part of 'Fake love'. Honestly, I have nothing to do sometimes that I feel like I'm being too lazy, so I start trying to learn dances. I've learned 'I need U', 'Run', and 'Fake Love'. Now, I'm learning 'Don't wanna cry'. Wish me luck learning it!
Thank you for reading!❤️

Date: 6/20/18
Word count: 720 words

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