01 | kiss cams

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authors note: i wrote the first two chapters a long time ago, so please ignore any mistakes and or cringe !!! the chapters afterwards will likely be much better written



I walked into the great hall and sat across harry, letting out a hefty sigh before grabbing some food

Today was the day Gryffindor was going against Slytherin.

I was genuinely worried about harry and Ron's sanity at this point, all night they kept me up, babbling about techniques and skills to beat Slytherin.

I knew they'd be able to beat them, but nonetheless I'm worried that if they don't win this game, they might never stop pestering me about my opinion on game strategies.

"What do you think Hermione?" Harry asked as Ron and Ginny turned for my opinion.

"Oh uhhh— sure?" I Replied, not really knowing what they were talking about

"See she agrees with me!" Harry said, I let out a sigh and ate my food.

' They better win ' I thought, ' or else I'm never going to get to sleep '


"Alright students, I have an announcement to make!" Dumbledore shouted, gaining all the surrounding tables' attention

"As most of you know there will be a Slytherin versus Gryffindor quidditch match this afternoon. And few of our students have suggested we get a kiss cam." He paused as gasps erupted from around the room, " so we created, with the help of some of our teachers, a charmed Kiss Cam that is magically fixed to find the two people with the most chemistry."

A lot of giggles from girls were heard at this and whispering began.

"Just a heads up, there is a spell on the camera so that there is no way around the two people kissing. If they don't oblige, the camera will find a good jinx to use" Dumbledore winked at the end, a slight shimmer of mischief in his eyes.

"Oh no.." I mumbled to myself, before continuing my meal




"Sorry professor.."

I rolled my eyes, Lee Jordan surely is one heck of a commentator.

The kiss cam had already struck three times this match. One of them being Harry and Ginny, which may I say was interesting seeing Ron's face change into all sorts of reds.

I was cheering on Gryffindor, as expected.

I saw the Slytherin colors zoom past me and hoped harder for Gryffindor to win.

Malfoy and harry were both searching around for the snitch, as I watched the game.

I was glancing around when my eyes connected with a certain Slytherins' blue-grey ones.

Our eyes stayed latched on to each others for a few seconds before i sheepishly looked away.

Malfoy didn't have much time to react before—

"Look! The cameras picking up on something!" A Hufflepuff girl pointed to the screen.

The cameras panned until one side landed upon— Wait was that me?

"Oh hoho Hermione who's it gonna—" Neville started before it landed on none other than a red faced Draco Malfoy.

Everyone was silent for a few seconds before a group of raven claw girls started chanting


"Oh Nonono" I rambled to Neville but he gave me a shrug and started chanting to

That traitor he—

"Granger" Malfoy Said, he seemed have flew in front of me before I had the chance to notice

"The camera seems to think we should kiss" he stated

"I got that" I hissed, I turned my head a bit to the teachers bleachers and saw McGonagall and Snape exchanging galleons, an excited Dumbledore who seemed to be shouting, and a few shocked professors with mouths agape.

I looked back and Malfoy and sighed, he had stood up on his broom and was now shakily holding on to the railing in front of me

With all the screaming and chanting I gave in.

I rolled my eyes and cupped Malfoy's face, colliding my lips with his.

Let me tell you, the crowd went wild

All of the houses screamed as Malfoy slowly flew up and wrapped an arm around my waist as I was on my tippy-toes.

We broke apart and I smiled at him as he got back into his broom and continued the game with a grin.

Harry, Ron as Ginny were still shocked as we got back to the common rooms, I guess that kiss sparked a fire in Malfoy and Slytherin ended up winning.

No matter how much I love my house, even if we lost I still had butterflies in my stomach.

Ginny gave me a look like 'we're gonna talk about that' and a sly grin as she head up to the dormitories

"Oh wait I left a book in a Professor classroom, hold on I'll be back" I Said, dashing out the portrait and up a stairwell

I almost passed Malfoy before he yelled "Granger Wait!"

I spun on my heels, "Uhh oh hey Malfoy, hows it umm goin?" I asked, awkwardly setting my hard against the wall next to me trying to act natural and cool but failing miserably

He stood for a second, maybe contemplating why he actually stopped me, "so about the Uhh— you know the t-thing. The thing that you know like happened and ahhh—" he rambled, I decided to shut him down there

"Yes, yes the thing" I said, my cheeks growing redder by the second

"So Uhh— I was wondering, if you'd maybe wanna.. go to hogsmeade with me sometime?" He asked, splatters on pink on his face

I tryed to contain my grin, failing miserably, "Sure! I'd love too" I giggled

"Oh okay— then I'll talk to you then and— uh see you later" he said, stumbling back and almost running into a suit of armor.

I laughed as he stumbled back to his common room and I made my way back to the portrait, forgetting about my lost book.

"Hey mione' were the Book?" Harry asked

"Talk later, I've gotta got find Ginny!" I giggled, making my way to the dormitories

The butterfly's in my stomach growing my the second, and for once I didn't really seem to mind.


YAAAYYY STORYYYYY! XD hope ya liked it :)))

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