03 | flustered draco

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authors note:
i found this story in my drafts and have no idea why i unpublished it ?? i love dramione with my whole heart so enjoy some more oneshots :)

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HERMIONE could hear the sound of yelling downstairs in the common room. she was currently enjoying one of her favorite reads with a warm mug of coffee, and despite her comfortable position, knew she should probably go down to investigate.

"what is going on down he—" hermione began using the authoritative voice she used when reprimanding students as a prefect. hermione promptly stopped speaking though, when she realized what was causing such a ruckus.

"will someone explain to me why we have draco malfoy tied up in our common room" hermione deadpanned

"well— you see mione" fred began, then creating an elaborate story about dragons and fighting off filch.

"ginny?" she turned, when fred had finished his obviously made up story.

"they wanted to steal him as a symbol of war for the upcoming gryffindor vs slytherin game" she responded and collective groans could be heard from those partaking in the act.

"we have to return him" she sighed, walking over to where a surprisingly quiet malfoy was being held

"i'm not a lost dog" he said, rolling his eyes.

hermione glared at him and examined malfoy more closely.

malfoy was sitting on the floor of the gryffindor common room, seeing completely out of place in a den full of lions. his white hair was tousled in different messy directions, sort of like he had just awoken from a nap. he was dressed in a white collard shirt tucked into black dress pants, and despite the plainness of the outfit, he still managed to look fantastic, which made hermione internally envious.

the image was sort of ruined by the rope wrapped around his entire body, along with the scowl that etched his features.

"granger, are you going to stand and gawk at me, or actually help me get out of this?" he said, raising a blonde eyebrow at her, his light grey eyes staring at her in question

hermione started at him for a moment, before a glint overtook her eye and he visibly became worried.

"what are you—"

hermione took a hand a shoved malfoy to the side, and just as she had imagined, he looked like a defeated penguin.

"okay, yeah— this is really mature granger— shove the helpless malfoy on his side because he can't— can't get up" malfoy struggled to bring himself back upright and hermione couldn't suppress her chuckle.

"okay okay, i'm done sorry— you just look so funny" she giggled, and pulled him upright.

"shows over people, you can go back to your rooms while i return malfoy" she announced to the room, sighs were the only response she got back.

hermione thought of what to do with malfoy, and decided to use a levitating charm against just freeing him. the knots fred and george used seemed quite right, and besides, how did she know he wouldn't attempt to get payback if she freed him.

she cast the levitating spell lifting draco up, and out the portrait they went.

it was late into the afternoon, a few hours off from curfew, and few students were still in the hallway. those that were present, looked on with curiosity, as hermione walked towards the slytherin chambers with a tied up, and floating malfoy behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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