Chapter 52 | Always In Love

Start from the beginning

"Hear, hear." Timothy says quietly. Calum glares in his direction.

"But, I know you for a man who stole an innocent man's twinkie. You're cold, and seldom express your feelings, but you beat a man into unconsciousness for me. Surely you're very focused into your work, but you've always given me days off when I needed them, even though you made me work overtime.

"I met you accidentally. Sometimes, I wonder if I wouldn't have mistaken you for Benjamin on our very first flight, would we still be here? Maybe not, but fate works in mysterious ways, and here we are. Owner of two beautiful dogs, and so deeply in love.

"Sure, you sent detectives on my date with Benjamin, and you always pour my coffee into the sink when my back's turned, but after spending so many days with you, I realised that it was just the way you love.

"And I really, really hope that you will, love and cherish me, just the way that I hope to love and cherish you for the rest of our lives. And if fate still favours us, maybe even after that.

"I wish I could get down on my knees and ask you, but I'm seriously scared this dress will burst. So, Calum Achorn, my stone cold bastard, will you, take my hand, and do the honour of marrying me?" I finish, finally looking into his eyes.

He looks stumped. Not emotional, like I'd hoped. Not angry, like I'd feared. Just shocked. He looks into my eyes for another minute before his mouth curves into a huge, beautiful and happy smile. And I get my answer. I smile back just as happily.

My friends start singing some sappy, cheesy song as Calum gets off his chair and embraces me. I take in his heady cologne and grasp him tighter. He looks down at me, his smile getting wider and wider. He keeps looking at me, just staring into my eyes, just like I was. No, not looking, beaming at me.

This is it, I think. This is what I was looking for.

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too, Ambrosia. Always," He whispers back.

Confetti starts falling down from the sky as the Cadwalladers trot into the clearing with the rings. Calum looks up in surprise.

"Who's up there?" He asks.

"Jeremy," I say, laughing.

"In a helicopter?" He looks at me, shocked.

"I wanted it to be special," I shrug.

Bending down, I scratch Mr Cadwallader's neck and take the ring from his muzzle. He gives me a happy bark, probably wishing me luck. Calum Achorn follows suit and takes my ring from Mrs Cadwallader.

"Ready?" I ask, picking the sparkly paper off my face.

"As Hell." He smirks back, taking my hand.

The beautiful platinum band slips into my finger, the words toujours amoureux (always in love, French) scribbled beautifully on it. He places a small kiss on the finger and closes his eyes, as if praying. My heart melts into a puddle, evaporates and floats into the clouds.

I take his finger and slide the ring in, and place his hand on my chest, right over my furiously beating heart. He looks at me, with love evident in his eyes, and I understand that everything is right, and maybe it won't always be, but we'll go through it, wine glass after wine glass, and twinkie after twinkie.

Our friends stop singing abruptly. Timothy breaks through the vines frantically, waving his hands in panic.

"What's wrong?!" I ask, trying to look over his shoulder. Caecelia is standing abnormally straight, her eyes wide and frightened. Her hand is over her swollen belly.

"I don't want you guys to worry. This is your day," He stammers.

"What is it, Tim?"

"Caecelia's water broke."


This is the last chapter. The epilogue and author's note will be published soon.

So long, my friends.♡


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