William B. Travis Prep

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{In Room 21A}

Mr.Finn- And that is how the greatest band in history won the rock concert awards in 1995.

{Principal Mullins and Ms. Carpel entering classroom}

Principal Mullins- Good news class Mrs. Carpel's hip healed so she will be teaching all of you again. Mr. Finn you can pack up your things and leave.

Mr. Finn- Yes Principal Mullins.

Zach{boy,14}- Mr. Finn can't leave.

Summer{girl,14}- Zach is right. Mr. Finn can't leave because he was the best teacher we ever had.

Lawrence{boy,14}- Yeah. Mr. Finn let me do experiments in the classroom and shoot my rocket in class while he was teaching. Ms. Carpel never did that.

Ms. Carpel- That was because I actually followed the rules.

Tamika and Freddy- Mr. Finn let us do a secret band called School Of Rock.

{Everyone gasped including Mr. Finn, Ms. Carpel and Principal Mullins}

Principal Mullins- Tamika Young and Freddy Jones in my office now.

{Tamika and Freddy grabbing their notebook, textbook and black pen and having backpacks on shoulders and following Principal Mullins to her office}

Summer{girl,14}- We are so in trouble.

Kale{girl,14}- Actually Tamika and Freddy are the ones who are getting in trouble.

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