Chapter 2: The Arrival

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I dedicate this chapter to my bestest friend in the whole freakin' world for her awesomeness...And her screams!!!!!! I love u and miss u D!!!


A Year Later……………………………………………………

“Omg, I can’t believe we are actually here!!!” said Amanda. “Well believe it…” I said cynically. Amanda and Darlene rolled their eyes and laughed sarcastically in reaction to my outburst. “It’s just that we have heard so much about this place and now we are finally getting to experience it” said Darlene.

My 2 best friends, Amanda and Darlene, and I were unloading our baggage and walking towards the registration line, ecstatically, of Triple W Summer Camp. It had been about a year that I had told them about my plan to come here. I had told them about Shawn and everything else I had seen. Funny how the only thing I remember is Shawn. I hadn’t thought of him, surprisingly, the whole school year. As I was saying, they were fascinated and instinctively I invited them. We spent over 3 months convincing Amanda’s parents, because they are so overprotective, and worked every weekend to help pay for Darlene. And now here we are.

Once we registered ourselves, received our ID’s, and dropped off my brother, who was also attending the camp that year, at his cabin, we finally settled into ours. We were in Cabin 9. We were all in the same dorm. And fortunately we got near bunks. Darlene and Amanda on the top of the bunks across from each other and I on the bottom of Darlene. I still to this day do not understand why I chose it. I mean, I am terrified of being crushed in case the bolts break loose. I exaggerate… Anyways, we quickly unfolded our sleeping bags, and laid out our blankets. We just couldn’t wait to see what we were going to do first. Five minutes later, our parents said good-bye, and left. “OK you guys have fun!!!Remember to use your manners, you’re at church. I love you” my mom told me as I reluctantly looked at her. “I know, I know” I replied. “Yeah, I promise’’ Darlene said, laughing. “OK so behave. I trust you. Be responsible with your things and be respectful. I love you” said Irma, Amanda’s mom. Sadly, Darlene’s mom was out of town so we gave her ride. After all, Darlene is like my sister. One by one they all gave us hugs and kisses.

Now that our parents were out of sight we start to scream and jump with joy. We were so excited!!! Our smiles stretched from California to Australia. That is until we see a bunch of guys enter the cabin. “What are they doing here?” I wondered. “I thought that the girls were separated from the boys” Amanda asked. Then all of a sudden, our counselor Sarah pops out from behind us. “Not this year. Not in high school” she affirms. “WOW” says Darlene. Sarah walks away with a grin on her face. “Darlene!” I nudge her. “What? That was a good “WOW”, as in we are surrounded by guys!!!” I glare at her, as Amanda is laughing in the corner.

Later that day, around 4 PM exactly, we had our Camp Opening/Introduction. That’s where we were told the rules and our schedule. The counselors told us that we would be going to the fellowship hall that night, we would take showers at night, we would wake up at 7 AM every day, and we would get to choose which activity we want to do for that day. Of course, Amanda, Darlene, and I were going to pick the same things.

By the time that was over we had met pretty much all the counselors in our cabin. I was disappointed. I hadn’t seen Shawn anywhere. No worries though because at Praise Time he was there!!! How could I miss him? You can’t forget, ever, the way that he wears his hat. The same hat. Flipped backwards. A faded pink. I’ve always liked guys who are manly enough to wear pink. However, he didn’t see me. He was too focused on worshipping, which is what I should have been doing. Plus, I was all the way in the back. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Darlene asked, knowing what, well who, I was looking at. But I didn’t answer. “Looks like that is Shawn” I hear her tell Amanda. Darlene nods her head at me.

Once that was over, he went to help out in the kitchen, and we all went back to our cabins. There wasn’t anything specific we were supposed to do so we just talked all night.  “So was that Shawn?” Amanda asked, knowing the answer. “Yeah” I say smiling, and beginning to feel those butterflies again. After that, our conversations were awkward. Very awkward.

Around midnight we were all “sent to bed”, but I wasn’t tired what so ever. I would just lay there, listening to Darlene snoring and seeing a bright light shining in Amanda’s face. She was playing on her IPod. And that made me think; I should just go outside and call my mom. I always feel calm when I talk to her. I would tell her everything we have done so far. So I did. God forgive me because I wasn’t supposed to have my phone. Let alone sneak out to use it without even asking.

Before I left, I let Amanda know so that she could cover for me, if anything. “Psssssttt. Hey, Manda.” I whispered over to her trying not to wake anyone. “Yeah” she replied. “I’m gonna go outside for a sec.” “For what? You’re gonna get caught.” “I have to call my mom ASAP. Cover for me.” “OK.”With that I quietly tip toed out the room, trying not to laugh. I laugh at everything.


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