Part 1 of Middle

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Fiddling with my armband in our cell on our off day. Brittany told me that we usually can pick our off day during the week. Plus telling me that this prison is not like any other. After she showed me around, I can agree with that. But I worry about my group, Peace for Gen. I can't even use my Gen, which is that I can go through anything.

Gosh, I thought I was a ghost at first where I discovered my Gen. It made me smile.

Apparently Brittany noticed where she was reading a book. "What you doing smiling, beautiful?" She said while smiling. Her green eyes glinting with humor.

Brittany has gotten bolder at what she says to me. It was embarrassing at first, but I have gotten used to it by now. "I've was remembering the time that I thought I was a ghost when I first used my Gen."

"Then what is your Gen?" She asked while tilting her head, setting her book to the side. "If you want to know mine. It's whenever when I hold my breath I can stop time."

My eyes widened in acknowledgment. "That's amazing, and made my Gen sound lame."

"Then what is it?" She asked setting her arms on her legs and raising an eyebrow. Her red hair swished forward. Glinting in the light.

"I'm able to go through anything. Well except Sherlockium." I explained, and I don't even know the science behind why I can't phrase through it.

"Interesting," She said.

I also had another question. "Did you ever wanted to escape?"

"I used to," She went back to her position where she was laying down on the bed. "I don't anymore though. It kind of went to the back of my mind."

"Oh," I said softly, knowing that Brittany has been here way longer than I have.

"What about you?" She asked me. "Do you want to go back to your rebel group?"

"I don't know actually," I answered with honesty. I mean what if I never see Brittany again, after I escape. If that's even possible.

She nodded, probably taking in what I said. Then she looked to me with those glimmering green eyes. "Are we friends?"

I chuckled at that. "You probably don't have a lot of friends."

"Of course I don't, I have been pronounced 'dead' for a long time." She scoffed while looking up at the ceiling. Then looked at me again, for some reason I felt my face heat up. "but we are friends right?"

"Of course we are Britt." I smiled at her, she smiled at me for the first time.


Well that's it for this chapter! Thank you for reading as always.

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