Egoshipping 3: Old Enemies

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Mira was walking down a dark hallway where she had herd bloody screams... "Hello Mommy... Daddy... Uzu-chan...?" She tiptoed into the living room where she saw the most horrifying thing in her 6 years of life... Her sister's- Uzu- decapitated body on the ground and her head in the hand of the murder who turned to face Mira with a sickening smile that made the six year old almost throw up her dinner. When the killer took a step closer-

~End of Dream~

Mira woke up gasping and crying. "That dream..." she looked around and noticed that she was in the Pokemon Center then looked for her companions, Levei was on the couch and Paul... Paul wasn't in the room... slightly panicked Mira got out of bed and walked out of the guest room and into the hallway, panic immediately ran through her mind and she silently tiptoed through the hall scared that she'll run into the same fate her dream made out. "P-Paul... a-are you there...?" Mira looked around until she felt an aura behind her. She spun around to find an unknown male that looked vaguely similar to the man in her dream... "W-Who are y-you...?!" Mira asked panicked by the Aura the man produced. "I'm here to get you... Princess!!" the male said and lunged forward towards Mira. "Raiatsu!! Paul!!" Mira screamed afraid of the man might do to her. "Hey!! Who do you think you are?!?!" Paul shouted at the man. "Paul!!" Mira said crying while trying to get to him but the man called out a Medicham which was using psychic on Mira. "Raiatsu..." She whispered and her eyes started to glow, her entire body started to glow, then when the light died down she was in a blue and white kimono with a red upside down triangle on her chest. Her eyes glowing a deep red. "M-Mira?!" Paul asked stunned that such a shy (and cute) girl could something like this. "Yes... Paul..." Mira looked at him before she passed out light covering her body once again but this time when the light faded she was back to normal. "Mira!!" Levei herd the commotion and ran out of the room astounded by what he saw made him punch (Levei: Falc- Me: NO!! Levei: Aww... your no fun Author-sama... Me: I know. *smiled triumphantly*) the man in the jaw while Paul ran over to Mira and picked her up holding her close. "Mira..." Paul whispered before Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny ran into the hallway and gasped at what they saw. "What in Arceus name happened here!!" Officer Jenny said running over to Levei who explained that the man had tried to kidnap Mira. "Oh... Well is she OK??" She asked worriedly. Paul simply nodded. "That's a relief well I'll take this man in for an attempt of kidnapping." The two boys nodded. "So what really happened..." Levei said, Paul walked back to the room that they were staying in and explained everything that just occurred which in turn left Levei speechless but nodded and went back to bed. "Who are you really... Mira..." Paul said lying down next to Mira wondering about what would happen in the morning...

(Time skip brought to you by Slime Pie!!!)

Mira woke up clinging onto a warm pillow that had a... pulse?? Mira's eyes snapped open to find that Paul had fallen asleep next to her. "Paul..." no response... "Paul..." She poked his cheek... Nothing... Mira leaned against him accepting that he needed to sleep some more especially after what happened last night... last night... Mira broke out into tears. "Why did that h-have to h-happen*hic* why..." While Mira silently cried Paul had woken up and started to hold her closer to him while petting her hair. "Shhh... it's OK it's all over..." He kept this up until she calmed down. "Paul... do you think t-that I'm a f-freak..." Mira questioned the boy who looked down and smiled slightly. "No I don't think your a freak... your Mira Articuna..." Paul said then said. "I think your a very beautiful girl with an amazing gift..." Paul realized what he said then he blushed then looked away in return Mira giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her forehead against his. "Thank you... Paul" Mira smiled happily causing Paul's blush to increase... then there was a groan then a cough followed by a fit of laughter... "O-oh my gosh is the all mighty Paul actually blushing?! And here I thought you were heartless!!" Levei said cracking up. Mira and Paul looked at each other then at Levei with deadly looks...


~To Be Continued...~

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