Egoshipping 1: The Shyer the Girl the Bigger the Ego

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Mira walked out of her house with her childhood friend, Drew. "OK I'm off wish me luck Drew!" she said with her hair covering her right eye and looking down. "Alright are you sure you'll be OK by yourself?" the green haired male asked the brunette. "Y-Yeah d-don't worry Drew-san" Mira said looking away. "I s-should be fine with my friends... right Rai~" she said to her Latios also known as Raiatsu or Rai for short. "Laa!!" Raiatsu cried out happily while flying around Mira. "OK if you say so... hey give me a shout on how you're doing alright and maybe we'll meet again!" Drew said fluffing Mira's hair. "OK! OK! I get it Drew uncle! Uncle!" Mira said while faintly blushing. "Sure... but..." Drew bit his lip. "Promise you will be safe." Drew said while hugging Mira in a tight hug. "OK." Mira nodded understanding why her 'green' friend was acting so funny out of his usual character. After they bid they're farewells Mira claimed onto Raiatsu's back. "Bye Mira!" Drew said lightly kissing Mira's cheek. "O-OK Bye Drew!" Mira said while riding on Her Latios' back waving silently to her childhood friend not noticing the glare of another brunette watching her with hatred.

"OK Raiatsu where do you think we should go??" Mira asked her Blue Dragon type. "Lati... Latios!!!" Raiatsu flew off to Slateport City.

"So... This is Slateport City... huh..." Mira stood at the entrance of the city mouth agape. "Soooo~ I'm guessing your a new trainer??" a random red head waltzed up to Mira and pet Raiatsu's head earning a light purr from Raiatsu. "My name is Levei Buru!!" The red haired boy called 'Levei' held his hand out for Mira to shake.

"U-Umm... M-My n-name is Mi-Mira... A-Articuna..." She said shyly and another boy walked past both of them only he had purple hair and purple-ish gray eyes. She felt her face grow hot... "D-Do you know w-who that is?" Mira asked Levei pointing to the purple haired boy. "Yeah... That's Paul..." Levei had a glare on his face. "O-Oh... T-Thanks..." Mira whispered as 'Paul' glanced at her.

As Mira and Levei went to the Pokemon Center to have something to eat and get to know each other better when... "Who do you think you are... talking to Drew like that?!" a brunette glared at Mira. "W-What?!" Mira protested. "You and Drew talk so freely and it pisses me off!! Let's go YOU and ME are going to have a Pokemon Battle here and now!!" The 'mystery girl' yelled at her. "OK! Then Let's go Espeon!!!" Mira threw her Pokeball out. "Alright Front Line Carcanus!!" The Brunette threw out a black wolf-like pokemon with piercing blue eyes. The Battle commenced.

"Espeon use Dazzling Gleam!!" "Espe!! Espeoon!!" The Pink-ish purple pokemon sent a blinding beam towards the Carcanus.

"Carcanus Doge and use Shadow Dance" "Caracanus!!" The Black pokemon jumped back and sent it's shadows to Espeon in an elegant formation hitting the Espeon directly.

"Espeon!!! Get up and use Psyshock!!!" "Espeon!" Espeon picked up sharp rocks using its Psychic abilities and hurtled them at Carcanus.

"Carcanus!! No!!"

"Good Job Espeon now get a good rest..."


"So Mira why are you so interested in Pokemon Contests." Levei asked with a questionable look on his face. "I never said t-that... Levei..." Mira said looking towards the red head. "OK!" Levei said while grinning. "So you wanna challenge the gym?" He asked. "S-Sure!" Mira said bumping into the male known as 'Paul'. "I-I'm S-Sorry!" Mira said while trembling with fear. "M-Mira are you alright?!" Levei asked while helping her up. "Watch were you're going Buster!" Levei insulted the purple haired boy. "Hmph. She ran into me so she should be apologizing to me." the 'purple' one said. "I-I am t-truly..." Mira said looking down tears welling in her eyes. "N-No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so harsh on you... I'm Paul by the way." Paul said eyeing Mira. "M-Mira. My name i-is Mira Articuna..." Mira said looking away blushing. 'He's cute...' Mira thought to her self.


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