"I would say not to go too mad at this thing, but it's stag and hen parties." The Doctor said as he turned around from looking through a bookcase. "So there's really no point, is there?"

"S'what I said to Mum." Jupiter nodded, smiling a bit as she looked to where her father was on the upper level of the console room. "If you see Lucas and Clara before either Sky or I get back, please tell them we wish we could've brought them with us."

"Oh, you know them." The Doctor waved a hand, turning back towards the bookcase. "They like to have a balance between their normal lives, and their time and space travel lives."

"Let's hope those can stay balanced." Sky remarked as he put a hand on top of the VM around Jupiter's wrist.

"Oh, before you go." The Doctor said suddenly, turning around again before quickly walking down the steps to where his children were by the console. "Where is your mother?"

"Not sure where, specifically." Jupiter told him. "She said she was going to find a lounge room so she could figure out what she might like to drink now. Practice mixology, or something or other. That's all I know. Anyway, see you later, Dad."

"Later." Sky waved at his father, him and Jupiter then zapping out of sight a moment later.

Now alone in the console room, the Doctor sighed as he turned around to walk back up the steps to the upper level. "All these people, coming and going. Never know who's going to pop up next." He muttered as entered a corridor that lead deeper into the TARDIS. "Now, where is my wife...?"


"Eurgh." Lexi made a face, lowering the glass of Rum and Coke she had made herself away from her mouth while she stood behind the bar of a lounge room the TARDIS had let her find. "So apparently it's a 'no' on the Rum and Coke."

The TARDIS hummed at her.

"Well of course I'm disappointed." Lexi frowned slightly as she looked up to the ceiling. "It's bad enough that I hate the taste of whiskey now. But to have as much difficulty trying to find a drink that I will like the taste of? It's not fun."

The TARDIS hummed again.

"I know it's going to take some getting used to." Lexi sighed. "I'm trying to do that."

The TARDIS hummed at her once more.

"Oi!" Lexi pointed up at the ceiling. "I don't need your sass right now."

"Is this what you two do when I'm not around?" The Doctor's voice asked, making Lexi turn her head to see her husband standing in the doorway of the room, his arms crossed as he leaned against the doorframe with an amused look on his face. "You know, have little chats with each other."

"Sure, let's go with that." Lexi rolled her eyes as she turned around behind the bar to dispose of the Rum and Coke.

The TARDIS hummed again.

The Doctor chuckled, shaking his head before uncrossing his arms and pushing off of the doorframe to walk further into the lounge room. "What exactly are you doing in here, Lex?" He asked as he came and sat down on one the barstools at the bar.

"I'm sure Jupiter told you about the difficulty I'm having trying to figure out things that taste good to me now." She sighed as she turned back around to face her husband. "I've already tried a Rum and Coke, a Tequila Sunrise, a Mai Tai, a Mojito, a Piña Colada, a Cosmopolitan, and an Appletini; all of which tasted horrid. Then again, all of those did have either rum, tequila or vodka in them... So I guess I don't like any of those now either." She pouted slightly before shaking her head as she turned back around and bent down towards where the wine cooler was. "The list of drinks I now don't like is growing... Just like my frustration. Honestly, I don't know how you've done this a dozen times already."

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆 ☆ The Glorious Series ⦅ BOOK 3 ⦆Where stories live. Discover now