Deep Breath ― II

Start from the beginning

"Well, their minds might be a bit fuddled at the moment." Sky told her, glancing up from his book. "In case you've forgotten, they have just regenerated. Honestly, though... I'm mostly concerned about Mum."

"Yeah, she's never... you know, before." Jupiter conceded before sighing as she stood up again. "I'll be in the conservatory. Water the plants, or something."

"You alright?" Sky asked, setting the book down on the desk as he looked at her.

"Oh, I'm fine." Jupiter waved him off as she made her way to the door. "Just thinking."

"About?" Sky raised an eyebrow.

"Not sure yet." Is all she replied with as she exited the study, shutting the door behind her.


"Your genie lamp is like, you know, sort of... bigger on the inside?" Clara asked, laughing internally at what she'd just asked as she and Marguerite walked down the hall, Clara now carrying the newspaper as she was now dressed in a period gown and her hair now all pinned up on top of her head, courtesy of Marguerite. Clara actually looked much like she did when she, or her echo, was a governess.

Marguerite giggled slightly. "I could show you."

"Really?" Clara asked in surprise.

"Sure. It wouldn't be difficult at all. The Glorious has already seen it." Marguerite shrugged as the two of them reached the stairs just as Jenny was making her way up. "Jenny!"

"Ah." Jenny smiled as the two of them walked down the stairs to meet her on the landing. "Morning, Marguerite, Clara."

"Morning." Clara said back as she and Marguerite began walking back up the stairs with her. "Quick question... What are we supposed to do now? Are all of us going to go looking for the Doctor and the Glorious?"

"We've got the Paternoster Irregulars out in force. If anyone can find them, they can." Jenny answered. "Meanwhile, Madame Vastra is slightly occupied by the Conk-Singleton forgery case. And is having the Camberwell child-poisoner for dinner."

"For dinner?"

"After she's finished interrogating him." Marguerite answered for Jenny. "Which is the thing I told you I was going to have to help her with." She smirked slightly. "Perks of being a genie, I can make people have weird hallucinations and get them to confess just about anything we need them to."

Clara blinked. "Remind me not to get on your bad side."

"Oh, I don't think we'll have a problem." Marguerite laughed. "Although, it would probably be best to stay out the larder."

"It's true." Jenny nodded in agreement. "It'll get a bit noisy in there later."

"Right." Clara just nodded slowly as Jenny walked away from them. She then directed her gaze back to Marguerite. "So... genie lamp?"

"Yes." Marguerite nodded, gesturing for Clara to follow her further down the hall to the room where she had her oil-lamp.


Strax was mopping the floor when he saw Lucas walking down the hall towards him.

"Ah, Mister Lucas!" Strax exclaimed, leaning the mop against the wall. "Feel better now that you're up and about?"

"I... think so?" Lucas answered, not sure why Strax asked him that.

"Nah, you look terrible." Strax shook his head. "Can I get you anything?"

"Okay, first, thanks for that, mate." Lucas chuckled as he sat down in a chair by the kitchen table. "And second, I believe I'm alright. I've already had tea and biscuits this morning."

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆 ☆ The Glorious Series ⦅ BOOK 3 ⦆Where stories live. Discover now