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Today was the first day of us waking up in the new team 10 mansion. Looking around my much larger room I sighed at the bare walls and the mountain of boxes lying on the floor in front of my bed.

"GOOD MORNING CHLOE" Erica screamed into the room before closing it again sharply

I rubbed my eyes pulling myself from my bed and making my way over to the boxes before pulling out my green camo Jake Paul hoodie and throwing it over my head.

I made my way into the long hall way and down the humongous stair case and into the living room where Anthony was sat on his lap top

"Hey Chloe" he smiled as I placed myself down beside him snuggling up to him to keep the warmth in my body

Oh I'm chloe by the way, Chloe Ramero I'm 20 years old from Ohio i am currently living in LA with a group of social media stars part of an organisation we call team 10 run by the famous Jake Paul.... if you don't know who the hell im talking about you should maybe do some research because we are the shit.

"Hey toner what ya doing" I smiled up at him before looking back to his lap top

"Just editing mine and chances vlog from yesterday" he said not pealing his eyes away from the screen

My heart sank when he mentioned his name, Chance and I where once very in love I have known Chance since kindergarten along with Anthony and Jake. We all grew up in the same neighbourhood and have been friends for a pretty long time now

As we grew older me and Chance soon realised we liked each other more than just friends and eventually we ended up falling for one and other, he was my best friend, my soul mate I would have walked to the end of the earth for him but Chance decided after a year and a half that he didn't want to ruin our friendship. He said we wanted to be friends with me for the rest of his life and if we continued with the relationship that wouldn't happen.

And of corse me being the typical "girl" that I am I agreed with him and told him that it was a good idea for us to part ways..... who the hell was I kidding I'm still madly in love with him and living in the same house as him is so hard especially as he is currently dating someone new her name is Alex and she's a bitch.

"Hey party people what's going down" Jake asked bouncing into the living area with uncle Nathan trailing behind him

"Hey Jake" I smiled as he leaned down giving me a small hug

"This house is so big I feel like I never see anyone" he laughed before running out the room to go do something else

I sat scrolling though my phone next to tony as he edited his vlog none of us said a word just enjoyed each other's company which is one of the reasons I loved tony we where so comfortable around each other and we knew no matter what there would never be any sexual feelings between us.

"Hey you guys"

I looked up from my space on the couch to see Chance and his... bitch walking towards us with a bowl of something each in there hand sitting down opposite us

For 10 minutes maybe I sat there in complete silence pretending to scroll through my phone so that I didn't have to even speak to Alex

"Hello earth to Chloe" I heard Chance say

"Oh sorry i was just reading something what did you say" I asked

"I asked if you where coming to Vegas next week" I looked to Alex and back to Chance

"I'm not decided yet are yous going"

Truth is I was going weather they where or not but I just wanted to find out if Alex was going before I decided to go for definite

"I'm going Alex can't come unfortunately" he looked at her and stuck his bottom lip out

Inside I could feel myself dancing with happiness my mind was made up I was for sure going to Vegas

"I see yeah I need to see if I can get a few things cancelled before I can go" I told them

Standing from my seat I quickly ran to jakes room where Erica was sat on his bed alone I closed the door and quickly flopped down on the bed

"Why are you so excited" she laughed

"Was just talking to Chance and Alex annnnd she can't come to Vegas with us" I smiled massively

"Oh what a shame.....oh well" Erica shrugged sarcastically

To be honest Erica actually thinks Alex is ok but she's my gal she always has my back

"So you still think there is a chance you can get him back" she asked

"I hope so ric I'm still so in love with him" I flopped down beside her sighing loudly

Seeing him everyday with another girl broke my heart but it made me more determined to make him mine again, I have never felt for someone the way I felt for Chance every day or think of how he smells and the touch of his lips against mine I know I will never be happy if we can't give it one more try just one more shot at being together I don't care about ruining our friendship because if we truly loved each other we would be together... forever and there would be no friendship to ruin because he would be mine and always mine.

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