The rising problem and deepest regret

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Hi, my name is Naruto uzumaki-namiki. I'm 11 years old and I like foxes. I'm an orphan or a 'demon child' if you ask anyone in the village I have a big sister named Arashi that is 11 years old too but she is older by 2 minutes and 40 seconds. I live in a shitty place called konaha but don't tell my sister that I used a bad word. But if you were in my shoes you would agree too.Arashi and me are the outcast of the village well I'm actually the outcast but ni-chan refuses to leave me even when the villagers pick on her. She says that no matter what happens "Family sticks together no matter how big or how small you are, your family,even if you are not the same blood,family is family,"Arashi said with raw passion " I will always love you even if you are a monster or Satan himself I don't care about what they say you will always be my little brother and I will always be there for you." " Do *hic* y-y-you p-ro-mise?" Little 7 year old Naruto cried. " I swear on the moon and stars and the blood in my veins I will always protect you." " Thank you Ni-chan your the best" grinned a small sweet smile.
That little skit was a flashback to those that are confused I'm still new at writing cut me some slack!

That day would have to be the most emotional endearing moment of my life because I can all ways have someone to trust and go to forever. Even if it took a black eye, a chipped tooth and a bruised cheek/hand but it was worth it. With that out of the way I'm at school walking down memory lane because I already know the history of the village it's not hard when your sister has a undying passion for it and your adoptive father teaches it. Speaking of iruka-sensei he looks like he's about to throw a eraser at me better to pretend I'm paying attention. " NARUTO! We are so glad that you can enjoy the class even if you know it, still pay attention," "  Hai, iruka-sensei" he answered. "

Well speaking of paying attention we are having a project that is due next Tuesday on the topic is the four Hokage's each of you will pick a hokage and do research on how they came to office and how they made a impact on this village. You may partner up or work by your self the maximum members you can have are 5 blah blah etc,"Finished. " You may now choose your partners and come to the front to get your assignment." All the children got up and immediately started partnering up with there friends. Naruto has no idea who to go to since almost all his friends are adults/teens. Well it's not your average day that every kid in the village stays away because of their parents warning them of me though it's not my FAULT. May I remind you. Naruto was the only one left besides a ,pale eyed, brunette girl and a weird kid with sunglasses and a trench coat. Naruto sighed and went over to the two and forced on a smile.

"Hi! My name is namizake-uzuamaki Naruto and I was wondering if you want to partner up?"The kid with the glasses looked up from a book. Silence filled the space quickly. The kid looked me up and down analyzing me then finally closed the book and turn to look at me. "Shino, My name is Aburame Shino and ,yes, I don't mind if we partner up." Well that was easy. With the introduction done I'm about to sit down until the purple,brunette walked over to the desks. "C-c-c-a-n I-I j-j-i-on-n y-yo-u-r g-o-up-e?" Wow she stutters a lot but that is adorable. "Sure I'm Namikaze-uzumaki Naruto and I love for you to join the. More the merrier though as long as Shino is okay with it,Shino? There's silence he looks deep in thought then he looked up. "Yeah it's okay with me and I'm Aburame Shino."She smiled. "H-h-h-i m-y n-name i-is H-Hyuuga H-Hinata," she smiled. "And I'm Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto!" A wide grin on my face.

Time skip

After all the introductions and planing class had ended and it was time to go home. I go to the swing after saying goodbye to shino and hinata. 'Hmmmmm wonder if they want to be my friend?' I started swing while I wait Ni-chan usually comes because iruka-sensei has to stay after class and grade papers. While he does that we usually stop at Ichiraku Ramen stand,since that is literally the only place that would serve us good food or doesn't kick us out when we enter.
But, that's just it Arashi-ni didn't come at the usual time, in fact, she didn't come at all. I'm starting to get worried she doesn't come late EVER! She made me a promise a long time ago that she won't be late for she bows that the villagers will take any chance they can get to be little in any way possible. Iruka came out of the class room. He looked around the area he spotted me his eyes widen. He quickly walked over to me in a calm pace. "Naruto! What are you still doing here were is your sister?" " I don't know it's past 6 and she comes around 5:30 but she is 30 minutes late,dad." Iruka looked at him in well hidden suprise. He scratches his head. " Well, since your sister is late do you want to wait for her or do you want to go to ichiraku ramen stand?" Naruto looked down in deep thought and looked iruka in the eye. " I wan to stay and wait for Ni-chan a bit longer,please?" I said with puppy eyes. Iruka smiles warmly at him. " Of coures!" Iruka rubs his head affectionately and sat and leaned back into the tree.
Naruto got up from the swing and sat next to his 'Dad' and leaned on to his shoulder and looked at the sky watching the clouds fly by feeling at peace waiting for his Ni-Chan to come

But that is just it she didn't come.....

For those who have waited patiently I have to apologize profoundly. Especially to PinkiePieParty122894 I am VERY VERY SORRY! For the wait and I swear I will try to update as soon as possible I swear for my love of the anime and steak I will update as soon as I can no excuses! Well with that heart felt apology I will see you next time
JA NI! 😈🦊🐲🐉!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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