Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

It was very late by the time they arrived back at Thomas's home. Zee soon quickly got settled in for the night, The young Martian came out of the bathroom, They walked past Thomas's room. They could see him sitting on his bed reading through some plans and blue prints.

From the Conner of eye he saw Zee standing in the doorway. "You off to bed now Zee?".

Zee nodded and yawned sleepily.  "Yeah feeling wiped out after what happened at the show, I want to say thanks Tommy I really appreciate what you doing."

"You are more than welcome Zee, now off with you and get some sleep."

"Night Tommy."

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It was 2 in the morning the house was peaceful and silent. deep with in the guest bedroom Zee lay in bed toss and turning violently sweat dripping down their forehead. "No..... let.... me.... go... Please.....Noooo......!" Just then Zee shot up in a cold sweat, trying to catch their breath, their could feel their heart pounding. 

The young Martian got out of bed and headed into the bathroom. Zee throwing some cold water over their face. Quietly Zee came out and tiptoed down stairs for a glass of water, Their eyes looked in the direction to bookcase that led to the lab secret room, getting their water they made their way over and headed down to the lab.  Once inside Zee made their way into the room where Ziggy lay.  Slowly Zee approached the lifeless elder Martian. "Umm Dad, I had another nightmare, Can I stay down here with you tonight." 

Ziggy never answered, Zee climbed up and lay down beside their father, placing his arm around them before falling back to sleep .

Early next morning Thomas awoke, he went into Zee's room to check up on them. "Zee...?" he called softly opening the door, his heart almost stopped when he saw Zee's bed was empty.

"Zee!?"He called out once again, but no answer.  


Frantically he started searching the whole house. When he came down stairs he saw the bookcase entrance was opened, He knew Zee has to be down there as Zee was the only person apart from his who knew about it and he knew who Zee was with. 

"Zee you down here?" He called, Just at that moment he breathed a sigh of relief when He found Zee fast asleep beside Ziggy.

He entered the room quietly and gently shook the young alien 


The young alien slowly awoke from their deep slumber. "Huh? What time is it?" Zee yawned.

"9:30, Did you have another bad dream?"

"Yeah sorry Tommy... I didn't want to disturb you, so I came  down here to be with my dad I felt safer being with him.... Your not mad are you?"

Thomas shook his head. "No of course not, You gave me quite the scare I got worried about you, I'm glad you're okay, now Come along and let's get some breakfast."

Zee smiled and headed back upstairs with Thomas. 

During breakfast, Thomas was still looking through his blueprints.  Zee sat watching him getting little more curious by the minute. " Tommy... What is it that you actually do, If you don't mind me asking?"

"I own a very large corporation called World Enterprises," Thomas answer his eyes still focused on the blue prints. "I founded it myself and I have worked quite hard to get it to where it is now, though I am mostly a consultant these days, except where the space program is involved I am very much hands on in that area."

Zee found this rather fascinating. "Is that the project your working on, just I remember you telling me about trying return my father's body back to Mars."

Thomas was constantly on his guard, never knowing who to trust and indeed. But he felt different with Zee, he knew deep down he could trust them. A brief smile appeared upon his lips.

"Well you are right Zee, it is the reason I'm working on the project along with a personal one also, I must tell you never to speak of the project to anyone," Thomas sternly said.

"I won't tell a soul promise." 

Thomas took a sip of water from his cup "If you want to, would you like to come and see the spacecraft I'm working on." 

The young Martian beamed from ear to ear with excitement. "OMG really!"

Thomas gave a nodded "If you wish too". It didn't take Zee long to give Thomas their answer "Yes please!!"

"Very well you better go and get ready."  

Zee nodded and bounced upstairs  feeling very excited. Thomas smiled in amusement.

A few hours later Thomas and Zee left  with Richard in the limo. 

Across from the main drive way, Steve and Paul along with a third person sat watching.

"Should we follow them?"

"Yeah.. is about time we found out what Newton has been planning, this will make the perfect capture. Sam check out Newton's home see if you find anything worthwhile."

"No worries." Sam got out taken care as not to be spotted. 

Steve and Paul proceeded to followed on behind them.

Sam made his way inside the Newton household. He began snooping around, The house looked normal enough to any outsider. Sam pressed a small button on his watch. "I'm in, nothing out of the ordinary." He  reported as he continuing to look around.

"Don't let anything fool you, something is bound to pop up" Paul's voice spoke from the wrist com.

Sam searched deeper for any alien clues, He came across to the bookcase, he spotted of the books sitting  little off from the others, he reached out to touch  the book and in doing so triggered the opening. "What the hell?" Sam gasped. "Guys I might of just hit the jackpot".

Sam wandered into Newton secret room. He couldn't believe what he looking at so much alien tech and things that were out of this world. "Guys I think I have found what we have been looking for and confirms everything about Newton."

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