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It would've been helpful if Kells had told me about the time changing a while ago, because it would've given me time to freak out and get it out of my system before the shoot instead of the day before. But of course, he didn't think about this and it felt like the first day of high school all over again.
"What if they all hate me?"
"They aren't going to hate you, you're going to be fine, just chill," he replied
"Ugh I could go for some weed right now but this won't let me have any," I said, gesturing to my stomach as I spoke
"9 months, Chlo, just 9 months then you can get blackout drunk and high as fuck,"
I smiled, before realising "I don't know if I can do that,"
"Why not?"
"Because I'll be a mom, you know? I feel like I can only drink civilised red wine on the weekends and like wear mom clothes and shit," I explained. I didn't even realise I felt this way, being pregnant was actually fucking terrifying.
"Nah, you're going to be a sick mom. I'll look after the kids and then you can go out and have fun," Kells said
"You're the best,"
"I know, now go do some modelling,"

Stepping into this old warehouse was crazy. Rails of clothing were everywhere and models were having their hair and makeup done under bright lights everywhere. Diddy and I saw each other and he approached me
"Chloe, you're here! Oh congratulations on the kid as well," He added at the end
"Oh thank you,"
"Okay so we're kinda in a mad rush here but let me give you a quick run down. On the rails of clothes there are hangers with your name on them, just get one of the assistants to bring them over. There's probably a chair with your name on it somewhere as well which is where you get like hair and shit done then when you're ready just tell someone and then we can get photos, sound okay?"
"Uh, yeah. Sounds sick," I replied. He then ran off in the other direction to sort something out. I walked over to the chair with my name on it and sat down in between two girls, Sian and Dani. Dani looked at me as I sat down "Oh my god you're so hot!" She exclaimed. Dani had a southern accent and sounded like she was from somewhere like Tennessee. Sian turned her head to look at me and smiled "You are. Have you got makeup on?"
"No, I kind of ran out the house this morning," I said, a little embarrassed. My hair was in an *extremely* messy top knot and I was wearing one of Kells' t shirts because apparently I am incapable of wearing my own shirts and some leggings from Pacsun with a very old pair of vans. I looked at their outfits, neither of them had gotten changed yet. Dani was wearing a maroon halter neck top with some black culottes and Sian was dressed in black skinny jeans, an oversized tee and underneath it she had a lacy long sleeved bodysuit. They were both incredibly beautiful girls.
"Honey your skin is actually flawless what the hell," Dani said
"Oh, thank you," I blushed, it really did feel like being in high school and seeking approval from the popular kids except this time I wasn't destined to be a literal pothead by the end of it. Some hair stylists approached us and we began getting our hair done.
"So have either of you done modelling before?"
"I literally got out of college last year so nope," Dani said. She was pretty young then, about 22 I guessed; assuming she had gone straight from high school students college.
"Neither, but I dropped out after my first year of college," Sian told me. Now this was my kind of girl
"If you think that's bad, I lasted a week," I stated.
"A week? Damn,"
"Well, who knows? We might all become models and college degrees will be useless," Dani added
"Education is never useless you little foetus," Sian joked
"I'm not a foetus! I'm 22,"
"25 and?" Sian asked me
"27, honey you're a foetus, buts it's okay because we will nurture you and prepare you for reality," I said. We all laughed. It wasn't like high school; it was better. No bitches, no cliques, just genuine girls who all wanted to be friends with each other, it was like living in a little bubble of happiness.

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