Never Letting you Go

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I was glad Valt was feeling better after a month. We both planned to try again, but not anytime soon.


I heard Valt yell for me as he ran over to me, jumping on my back.

"Ouf! What's up Valty? Haha."

"Just wanted to let you know that I love you."

"I love you too Valty."

I carried him over to the couch and he plopped down. I sat down with him and snuggled up to him, kissing his face repeatedly. I blushed when I started kissing on his neck, and I felt his face heating up with blushing too. He gripped my white hair lightly as he lifted my head up so he could kiss my lips. I accepted his offer as he decided to get on top of me, trying to become the dominant one.

"Valt, did you forget that I'm alpha?"

I joked.

"You're not this time, Kurenai. You're doing what I say now."

I got a shiver down my spine. Valt being demanding may have actually turned me on. I felt my face grow warmer as Valt grabbed my black tie and jerked me toward him, kissing my lips softly. My hand made it's way to the back of Valt's neck and squeezed gently.

"Shu, that tickles, hehe.."

He giggled in the most adorable way. I gave him a warm smile as he lightly stroked my neck with his fingers, tickling me now.


I giggled accidentally. Valt began unbuttoning my salmon colored shirt, rubbing a finger down my chest every few seconds. I grabbed his hand and put it up to my face and nuzzled it. I grabbed him by his hoodie and pulled him in for a kiss, the way he did me earlier. After pulling away from the kiss, I smirked at him playfully.

"What's that look for?"

Valt asked. I didn't give an answer, but I took back my dominance and pinned him down by his wrists and sat on top of him.

"I'm taking back the dominance. Sorry babe."

I grinned at him as I leaned down, kissing his face and neck repeatedly.

"Fine with me, love."

Valt said, taking off his head beads. I grabbed locks of my white hair, gently pulling it.

"Hey, easy with my hair. That's best feature."

Valt bursted out laughing, and I heard a knock on the door. Valt and I widened our eyes, knowing it was our friends and we were basically stripping each other.

"Damn, I forgot they were coming."

I said, getting off of Valt. I fixed my hair and put everything back on, as did Valt. The guys knocked again.

"Hurry up! What the hell are you two doing?!"

Wakiya asked behind the door. I opened it as I tied my tie back on.

"About time! What the he-"

Wakiya stopped mid sentence.

"Wait, were you guys...?"

Valt and I looked at each other and smirked back at Wakiya.

"Oh my... Eww!!!!"

He shuddered as he walked to the kitchen.

"Oh shut up, like you and Honcho don't do the dirty."

Valt said to him. Rantaro ran to Wakiya's side and kissed his cheek.

"Of course we do! And boy, is it fun."

Rantaro said, making Wakiya spit out his drink and cough while we all laughed. He blushed heavily when he was done coughing and kissed his beloved Rantaro. Daigo was going back to Spain in two days to get back to his Beyblade team. They had tournaments soon, so they were gonna have to train hard.

"Daigo, how are you and Clio?"

I asked him.

"We're good. He's gonna meet me at the airport when I arrive back in Spain."

"Awww!!! You gonna let him fly to you and let him give you a friendly blood sucking session?!"

Valt asked Daigo as he nudged him teasingly. Daigo blushed with embarrassment.

"Valt, you know Clio isn't actually a vampire, right?"

I asked.

"You don't know that!! He could be!!"

I rolled my eyes playfully as Valt wrapped his arms around my neck and started kissing my face.

"To answer your question Valt, yes, I'm gonna let him 'fly' to me and 'suck my blood', haha! We're gonna have to start training really hard when I get back."

"Yeah, I wish you and your team luck in the events."

I told Daigo. We all sat at the table and started eating. Of course, Valt was shoving his food down. I shook my head and grabbed his shoulders.

"Valty, why are you eating so fast?"

I asked him.

"Hey! Let him! We're having a contest Shu!"

Rantaro demanded. I raised my hands up in surrender and went back to eating my own food.

"Both of you are gonna make your stomach hurt later."

Wakiya told them. I looked at Valt.

"It'll be worth it!"

Valt said with a mouth full of food. I shook my head at them both.

"You say that now."
Valt and I laid in our bed together and cuddled closely. Valkyrie laid in the floor asleep. Valt ran his fingers through my white hair that he loved so much. It felt so nice and relaxing. Valt sat on top of me, trying to be the dominant one again. This time I let him. It was actually a turn on that he was trying so hard.


"Yeah babe?"

"Despite everything we've been through, with the cancer, Red Eye, geyting shot, bullies at BC Sol, ...losing the baby..."

When Valt mentioned the baby, he looked like his heart shattered. I saw tears in his eyes as he turned his head away so I couldn't see them, but he knew I already did.

"Aww, Valty..."

I pulled him down into a hug, having him lay on top of me. I held him tightly and rubbed his back as he started to finish what he was saying.

"But, despite all of that, I want you to know that I still love you, no matter what and I don't want anything to happen to us Shu."

Hi finished.

"Aww, Valty... I love you more than you know baby, and I won't let anything happen to us. You're the best thing to ever happen to me Valty."

I assured him and kissed him on his lips passionately. Nothing was gonna separate us and I wasn't gonna let it.


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