Chapter 1: I Don't Want to Transmigrate into a Different World! (1)

Start from the beginning

"Thomas!" Apparently noticing the other's drifting gaze, the older man loudly requested for the child's attention once again, forcing Tanaka to focus back onto the middle-aged male. The blond man's (Thomas' relative's? Uncle's? Father's?) expression had darkened even further, but he made a nearly inaudible sigh, a grimace contorting the features of his somewhat handsome face. "Thomas, you only have a five-tier's potential—" ...A five-tier what? "—and so far, you've shown no trace of magical talent whatsoever. If you're unable to improve these disgraceful scores by the end of the semester, even the Goddess wouldn't be able to help you."

Tanaka kind of wanted to point out that the scores were really not even on the disgraceful scale. And Tanaka was the number one person to know what scores could really be considered "disgraceful". He had once scored a 5/100 on a math test and... well, that was mostly because he fell asleep in the middle of it, but more than half of the people in his class made perfect scores on that test.

"You may dismiss yourself."

Not needing any further encouragement, Tanaka jumped out of his seat and walked away leisurely as if he had come from a tea party rather than a 'scolding' from his (Thomas') father.

Geez, not even his parents were that strict on him (or would domineering be the correct terminology for this situation? It felt more like getting talked down by his boss rather than by his parents).

Nonetheless, he opened the ridiculously and extravagantly carved door and exited out of the... study. Looks like a study. There's a mahogany desk, an expensive-looking chair behind said desk, and bookshelves surrounding the entire room.

Right, so he exited the study and then wondered... What the hell is he supposed to do now?

There was no system or anything to give him some kind of fate-changing mission (thank god, because that would mean he would have to do things and get out of the house), or the drastic need to take revenge for something/someone/their pride/their egos/etc. because...

Didn't that sound like a lot of work?

Too much work.

He wasn't even given the memories of the previous owner of his body, which he had no problems with. Honestly, having unfamiliar memories that did not belong to him also sounds like a pain. Aren't headaches usually associated with memories-of-someone-you-don't-know-but-can't-help-but-feel-sympathetic-nonetheless introductions? He was not fond of headaches. They were usually a good excuse to not get out of bed, but he didn't like feeling any sort of pain in general. So why bother remembering stuff about this (Young Master? Young Lord?) Thomas?

He didn't have any plans to try to act like the original owner in the first place. That took energy and scheming. He was not really good at scheming. Or acting.

He was not really good at anything other than being lazy.

And what he really just wanted right now was to go to sleep... Where was Thomas' bed? He probably had a bed fit for a spoiled, young boy, right? Full of cushions and soft fillings and nice, big blankets... Surely, since he was a member of a really rich household, he would at least have a good bed, right? Even if he seemed to not be well-liked...

"Young Master Thomas, has the discussion with your Father gone well?"

Tanaka nearly jumped in place as he slowly turned towards the owner of the voice, blinking as the thigh of someone's leg came into the view of his large eyes. Just as slowly, he lifted his head up, looking into the dark, curved eye of a man several feet taller than his petite form.

He was wearing a black and white suit (Looks like something that a butler would wear in an anime, was the thought that passed quickly through his head) with some white, spotless gloves and a black, gold-embroidered tie. The amount of buttons on the jacket made Tanaka blink. He wondered if it was more for decoration purposes rather than anything practical.

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