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Okay just a quick authors note then we can get on with the story. I am really sorry if I am slow on updating but my little sister has a lot of surgeries and therapy and doctor appointments and I have to go with her so I try and write in the car. I am also sorry for any bad writing or spelling and most sincerely sorry if my grammars bad because of my country accent, I try to hide it but I have a hard time doing that while writing. Soooooooo on with the story.

Toby p.o.v
I was writing in my diary "yes I have a dairy and no it is not girly it's full of.....boyish things"
"Yeah right you little freak"the voices cut in.
" your writing about the masked man, what was his name?Oh,yes .....masky. "
I shut my diary and grasp my head "s-shut up" I try to get them to stop.
"Or what? You'll get rid of us? haha,oh that's right......YOU CANT! We are part of you twitch" I hate it when they call me that"oh did I step on a nerve? I'm sorry................TWITCH"i shut my eyes tight and and scream "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP"" awe is little toby having a temper tantrum? Too bad someone isn't here to calm you down like....lyra perhaps.haha"
"Can't make us"
I began to repeatedly bang my head on the wall and scream for them to be quiet until there is a knock on the door.
"Toby? Are you okay?" A voice asked softly. Wait, I know that voice, is tha~OH GOD IT'S MASKY!
"Hide the diary. Hide the diary. Hide the diary!" I repeated this over and over in my head until the diary was safely hid away in my desk. Another knock was heard at the door. "Toby? I'm coming in." He then opened the door and walked in. " May I ask what all the commotion going on in here w his arms and leaned on the wall.
"I, uhhhh, N-Nothing"I replied not wanting him to know the voices where bullying me because I had a crush on him." Wait did I say crush?no no no no no. Your not a homo toby, that's wrong, father said it makes you a slut, but he does have a nice ass and his voice is soft yet husky and just enough to make one melt~ wait no Toby stop" I was snapped out of my own thoughts by masky waving his hand in front of my face and repeating my name.
"Toby? You okay? You have been staring at me for for five minutes without saying a word?"
I WAS STARING AT HIM! Oh thank God my mouth guard and goggles cover most of my face or he would see me blushing. "Y-yeah, I'm *tic*fine"
"You sure because I heard screaming coming from your room and you got a bit of blood dripping from your head."
I reach up and feel my head"blood? " I then realize I must have hit my head a bit too hard on the wall.
"You didn't know you where bleeding"he asked cautiously "are you feeling okay toby?" he reached out and put his hand on my forehead to check my temperature.
I swatted his hand away. "I'm fine.c-can *tic* you just g-go" I commanded more than asked. I didn't want to be rude but I just wanted to be alone.
"Okay?" He said confused and walked out the door. I sighed and sat on the bed thinking about masky and I soon drifted off into a well needed sleep.

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