☆22: The Fish of Ice☆

Começar do início

"Kero, he's a good friend of mine now." I snap back at him. "Maybe you would have figured that out if you've been to my most recent card captures!" He must not have expected my sudden outburst since he flew back a bit.

"Whoa, whoa.. Sorry Kiddo." He tried to calm me down. He pats my head. "I would have been there... Trust me I really want to be there, but..." His words trail off.

"But?" I wanted to know the rest of what he was going to say. He shook his head and then lifted his paw.

"How many cards do you have now?" He dodged my inquiry. I was going to ask him again but my cards suddenly floated out of my bag. They all radiated in a golden light, when I looked over to Kero he was radiating the same kind of light as well. He was using his magic to make the cards float. The cards hovered around Kero and I. It was an amazing sight. I couldn't help but stare with a bright smile on my face. "Windy. Cloud. Fly. Sword. Wood. Thunder. Shadow. Dash. Glow. Bubbles. Sweet. Sleep. Mirror. Shield. Shot. Jump. Power. Wave. Big. Little. Sand. Flower. Rain. Arrow. Watery. Loop. Song. Erase.. and Firey.." He stared at the last one for a while. "29 cards in total.." He turns to me and smiles. "Good job kiddo. You're almost at the end." He then arches an eyebrow. "How many cards does that brat have?" He sounded angry when he asked.

"Hmm.. He has uhm Voice and Dream. I think he has Mist." I tried to think of the cards Skai had. I rose a finger for each card I called out. But trying to remember what cards he had was a bit difficult since he hardly really used most of them. "I know he has Time and Illusion. Oh! We recently caught Silent and that one ended up being his. Then Maze was his because he used Through most of the time. Float is his also." I had 9 fingers up. But he has 11 cards in total. Which ones am I missing?

"So just 9?" I shook my head.

"No, he has 11 cards in total but I can't remember the other 2." Kero shrugs.

"Must not have been very important." His gaze then goes towards my outfit. "Say Sora. Since you're here why don't you change from your uniform? I'm sure you don't want to go to your study thing in your uniform." I look down at my uniform and agreed. I'm already here so why not? I go to my closet and reach for one of my dresses. "I wouldn't wear that if I were you." I arch an eyebrow from confusion.

"Why not?" I ask.

"I hear there's going to be a snow storm soon," He looks out the window for dramatic effect. I was about to question where he got his information from since my teacher said the same thing. But then it struck me.

"Storm! He has Storm as well!" Kero falls to the ground in shock. I chuckle at his gag reaction. I then reach for a warmer outfit. "Fine, I'll wear something else but I really doubt that there will be any snow today.. I mean look!" I point out the window. "It's sunny for goodness sake." He regains his posture and flies towards me.

"Expect the unexpected Sora." He mumbles. I roll my eyes and get dressed. "If anything happens with Mikado... Please tell me right away." His voice full of urgency. I couldn't understand why Mikado was such a threat. I was about to ask him but he unpaused his movie so I had no room for questions.

"Well, I guess I'm off then." I walk to the door of my room. I stop to listen to his movie. I realized the voices did not sound like the ones I heard earlier. "Kero, are there any male characters in that scene or the previous scenes?" He arched an eyebrow at me and shakes his head.

"Nope its been just the one gal." Strange.. With that I left my room.

》Skai's House《

Kero was right. There was a snow storm and unfortunately I got caught under it. The good thing was I listened to him and put on something warmer. I guess his sources were true. But it was just sunny a while ago. I sigh and ran the doorbell to what I assumed was Skai's apartment. I glance down to my phone to reread Naomi's text. She sent me his address via text message so all I had to do was put it in my maps. I had been here before with Naomi that one time after we caught Storm, but I never walked into the building. My heart thumped. This is the first time I've ever been in a boy's house before. I thought.

Cardcaptor SOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora