☆3: The Very Cloudy Day☆

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The only thing I could hear in the darkness were the whispers surrounding me. I couldn't see anyone around me but I could hear the voices nearby. It was as if I was forced to see nothing. My eyes were open but nothing came to view. There must have been more than just one voice too. It was a conversation between two people, maybe more. This was an unsettling situation. I don't like being in the dark, but I also don't like ghosts. Please tell me these aren't ghosts! I thought to myself as I clenched my shoulders.

"The wand almost rejected her too." The closest voice said. I tried to look in the direction where I heard it but no hope. I couldn't see the owner. I heard something from the other side of me sigh, and maybe a grunt. Not sure if they were speaking or not, it was very inaudible. The first voice spoke up again, "Worry not. It accepted her! We should be happy!" It seemed to try to cheer the other person up. Though I heard another grunt so it obviously wasn't working.

"It just means her trials have begun.." The grunter finally spoke, or should I say, I could finally understand their words. I closed my eyes, even though I was already surrounded by darkness, it actually made me feel better. This is just a dream...

      I woke up from that last thought. I was anticipating sunlight, but instead I got the opposite. I turned to look at my clock on my nightstand next to my bed. It was midnight according to my clock. I couldn't believe I woke up during the middle of the night. My head spun a bit from sitting up too fast. I looked around to see anything odd or suspicious. Nothing. I was worried about who the voices belonged to and if those people were still in the room with me. I tried to shake the thoughts out of my head. There's no such thing as ghosts! I told myself. After thinking about yesterday's party I finally calmed down. I laid down on my pillow with a bit of relief. It was all a dream. Slowly but surely I managed to fall back asleep.

      This dream was even weirder than my last. It was the beady stuffed toy smiling at me. "You're a Cardcaptor." It's voice was deeper than it was last night. "You're a cardcaptor." It repeated over and over. I covered my ears to shut the voice out, but that didn't work. It seemed to be yelling it now. It was unbearable. I screamed for it to stop. The voice got louder and louder. I cried with the same amount of volume as the voice. That's when something slapped me.

"Sora!" A voice other than my parents called out. "Sora!" Another soft fluffy slap. My eyes cracked open, sunlight greeted my eyes. I squinted instantly to block out most of its rays. "Oh! Goodie! You're ok!" It was the stuffed toy from last night. Keroberos?

"Ahhh!" I reached out for him and threw him. This time he was ready. Since he flew half way then stopped. He posed like superman, smile and all. He flew back to me with a smile.

"I thought you'd do that again!" He chuckled on his way over. I was frightened and confused.

"It wasn't a dream!" My eyes locked onto Keroberos with fear. Everything that happened last night was real! He just confirmed it by being here with me. Just by simply waking me up. I panicked. That means I still have dad's book! I looked to my night stand and sure enough, there it was. The "Clow" Book I stole from my dad's study. It was truly a real magical book, that held cards that I lost. I grunted, I am so screwed. I thought while staring at both the book and Keroberos. "Keroberos why am I the-"

"Cardcaptor? I've already told you! You have magical powers! I can sense it and so can the cards! The wand accepted you. So now you have no choice! You're a cardcaptor, Sora!" Keroberos crossed his arms. "Why do you call me Keroberos? No need to be formal, though I do like formality. But it does sound like a mouth sore! Just stick to Kero for short." He proclaimed. He seemed pretty happy though whenever I called him Keroberos. Though he was right, it was a mouth sore! A knock on my door makes up both jump. I pretend to go back to sleep, while Kero freezes up to mimic a stuffed toy. The silhouette of my mother comes into view. I get up slowly with a few fake stretches and a fake yawn.

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