|| C H A P T E R T H I R T E E N ||

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Everyone was having fun, talking and hanging out. I sat on the couch with Zach and Corbyn watching a slideshow mom had put together.

Corbyn- Is that a baby Carson I see?

Carson- Oh my lord. *laughs*

Oakley walked over to me, Sydnie close behind.

Oakley- Can we talk? *smiles*

I looked at them confused.

Sydnie- Just C'mon!

We walked up the stairs, into my room. We sat on my bed.

Oakley- So...

Carson- Huh?

Sydnie- I walked in on you and Zach kissing!

Carson- We didn't kiss...... but I wish we did.

Oakley- What's that?

She pointed to the necklace that was tucked under my shirt.

Carson- Um.

I lifted it, revealing the gold cursive letters.

Sydnie- He gave you that?!

Carson- Maybe.. *smiles*

Oakley- Carson!! *laughs*

Carson- Okay! Okay! Maybe! *smiles*

Sydnie- I'm sorry I ruined your moment.

Carson- He probably wasn't going to kiss me anyway..

Oakley- He really loves you Carson...

Carson- Second time I've heard that tonight. *smiles*

Sydnie- He told you?!

Carson- Um...

I bit my bottom lip.

Carson- Yeah.... Yeah he did. But it could just be like a friends thing.

I frowned.

Oakley- No way!

Carson- Guys... I don't wanna talk about this. I want to worry about nothing, it's my birthday.

Sydnie- Understandable.

Oakley- Besides... Zach probably misses you.

I slapped her arm, walking downstairs. Zach walked towards me.

Zach- I can't beleive your older then me.. *laughs*

Carson- Beleive it. *smiles*

Zach- But, your still shorter then me... *laughs*

Carson- *laughs* Wow.


My alarm rang through my room. I got up, shaking Oakley lightly. Everyone had stayed the night after my birthday so me and Oakley shared my queen bed. She mumbled under her breath.

Oakley- Huh....

Carson- We gotta get up, we have to catch our plane back home.

Oakley- Okay...

I heard the boys bustling around down stairs.

I pulled my hair into a messy bun, throwing on a hoodie and some leggings. Oakley put on something similair before walking downstairs. I grabbed my bags, jogging down stairs to see everyone packed and dressed. I watched Jonah hug Oakley tightly, lifting her up a few feet. Everyone was tired. I walked up to my mom who was helping everyone pack up.

Carson- I'll facetime you when i get off of the plane...

I hugged her.

Kristin- Okay, Carson.. I'm gonna miss you and Jack...

Carson- Aww mom, we'll be back soon.

Kristin- Okay.. C'mon guys! You're gonna miss your flight!

Everyone ran to Oakley's car, getting in and stuffing our bags into the trunk. Oakley started her car, as we drove to the airport.


We arrived at the airport, running for the gate. Our bags banged against the floor, hitting our shoes constantly. We got to the gate, giving the middle aged woman at the counter our tickets. Running through the hallway into the plane, i felt my shoe fly under my suitcase causing me to fly on my back. Yipee.

Carson- Ow!

I watched everyone keep running, oblivious to the fact that i had hurt myself. Zach turned around, running back to me.

Zach- *laughs* Carson! Are you ok?

Carson- No. My back hurts like hell...

Zach- C'mon lemme help you.

He held onto my hand trying to help me up, but my foot was still stuck under my suitcase, causing him to fall right on top of me. Once again. Yipee.

Carson- Oof!

Zach- Sorry.

Carson- *laughs* It's ok.

Jack walked out from behind the wall.

Jack- Zach!

Zach- What?

Jack- Stop flirting with my sister!

I rolled my eyes.

Carson- Jack! Can you he-

Jack- Hurry up!

He walked back behind the wall onto the plane, leaving us laughing on the airport floor.


We walked into the empty house, that i had missed the past week. I locked the door behind us as everyone seperated into the house. I walked upstairs looking at my paintings, before falling into bed.

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