|| C H A P T E R S E V E N T E E N ||

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I sat up in the bunk, as my head hit the top.

Carson- Fuck.

I heard the groaning of Zach from above me. I whispered through the crack in between the bunk and the wall.

Carson- Sorry.

Zach- It's ok...

He mumbled, before dozing back off. I got out of bed, looking around for anyone. Jack caught my eye, he was sitting on the couch.

Carson- Hey.

I sat next to him, getting my phone out.

Jack- Hey, sleep well?

Carson- Wasn't the best.. But it got me through the night.

Jack- You excited for the first show?

Carson- Actually... yeah. I missed that rush of excitement.

He nodded.

Carson- Hey, where are we?

Jack- The venue.

Carson- Really?

I looked out of the window to see Daniel, Corbyn, and Jonah talking to management.

Carson- Hm, Where's Oakley?

Jack- Coffee run.

Carson- Mm been there.

Zach walked out from the back of the bunks, sitting down next to me.

Carson- Look who's out of bed. *smiles*

Zach- *smiles*

Oakley walked in with two iced coffee's from Dunkin Donuts.

Oakley- Hey.. *smiles*

She handed me a coffee, pushing Zach over.

Oakley- Lemme sit next to Carson.

Zach- No fair.

Oakley- She's my best friend, and i got her coffee. What'd you get her? Move over hun.

Carson- *laughs*

Zach- Fine.

She sat down.

Oakley- Guess who i saw?

Carson- Hm?

Oakley- Aria. *sips coffee*

Zach- What?!

Carson- Really?

Oakley- Yeah. She was being really cool.

Carson- We should meet up with her soon?

Zach- Um..?

Oakley- Well.. She bought tickets for tonight.

Zach- Guys!

Oakley- And, i figured we could bring her backstage?

Zach- No, way! Guys, she is my ex girlfriend. Who kissed your boyfriend!

Oakley- Forgive and forget.

Carson- She apologized Zach. It's childish to hold a grudge.

Zach- Wha- What? You held a grudge the whole time i dated her!

Carson- B-Because, you were dating her.

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