~Chapter 2: Hanging Out Together~

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Sweetie Belle's POV
I'm so happy I met Button Mash again. It's been a while since we hung out together. Oh! Maybe I should arrange a hang out day. Just me and him.

I pulled out my phone and dial his number. Yes, I got a cellphone. After a long 20 minutes of beg to my parents, I finally got the permission to have one. This is probably the only electronic I'll ever have. After a few minutes, He answered.

Bold: Sweetie Belle
Italic: Button Mash

Hello, Button? It's me, Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle? You have a phone? Wait! How did you get my number?

Oh! I asked a cute little colt named Pipsqueak for your number earlier. He's your friend, right?

Yeah...He is. Did you have a same period as him?

English, actually. We had English together.

I see...Well, Why did you call me, anyway?

One, I missed you already. Two, It's been a while since the two of us hang out together so, I was wondering if you would like to hang out with me tomorrow.

One, I missed you too already and two, I WOULD LOVE TO!!! But, uuhh...What day is tomorrow?


Right! Saturday. Sure, I'm free. I'll ask my mom if I can.

Okay. Text me if She say yes. I'll tell you the place.

Sure. Gotta go now. Gotta do my homework then ask her and by the time she say yes, I don't have any homework to prevent me from hanging out with you.

'kay! Bye!~



He said yes! Hopefully his mom too. His mom, Love Tap is so nice the last time I met her. Hope I can meet her again sometimes

I got up from my bed and walked to my piano in my room. I opened the lid and began to play a song. It was the song that I wrote myself. The song also had lyrics. The song is called Yume no tobira. I learned japanese for 3 years and I managed to mastered it. The school that I enrolled to, the Ponyville middle school, also had Japanese lesson.

Yume no tobira
Zutto sagashi tsuzuketta
The Door of our Dreams,
I've always been searching for it

Kimi to boku to no
Tsunagare wo sagashitatteta.
I'm searching for our connection.

I created the song based on what I want to do. I want to find my door of dreams and wrench it open so It could light up the world.

My dream? I don't know what my dream is. That's why I'm searching for it.

After I finished playing Yume no tobira, I played another song that I also wrote. I called it Those who return to the sea. (Video above, you can play it if you want)

After I finished playing the song, My phone vibrated. I took my phone and saw that I got a new message. It's from Button Mash. I clicked the message.

It reads:

Hey, Sweetie belle! I've already finished my homework! I asked my mom if I could hang out with you and she said yes. \^ _^/ yeay!! So, what time we hang out?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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