Idate x Orca!Reader - Danger Zone

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Requested by: -Small_Cupcake-

A/N: Thank you so much for requesting this one! I've wanted to write exactly this request for such a long time now. Anyway, have fun reading!


Rock held his cigarette with his lips to dig into his pockets. "[Y/N], where the hell did you put my-"

Without thinking, you reached into your own pockets and retrieved a box of matches. You made sure the lid was tight and tossed them over to him. "Used 'em to cook last night. Don't worry, only needed one or two."

You turned your back to your roommate and continued threading a fishing rod. Rock let you stay with him, so as long as you didn't kill him and brought him what he wanted. It was a perfect example of how low the bar was set for orcas like you. He didn't even have to like you to strike the deal.

He grumbled, lighting his cigarette with a match and taking a drag. "Where are you going, anyway?"

"Fishing. We've been chewing on gristle all week. It's about time we get some better food."

"You know it's dry water season. There ain't nothing to catch. Why bother?" he leaned back in his chair "As long as we aren't dying, that's good enough for the both of us."

"Maybe for you, but not for me," you stood up, slinging the rod over your shoulder and grabbing a bucket filled with tackle. "Should be back by sunset. I'll catch us both something, promise."

"Doubt it. Here's to hoping today's the day you finally drown and don't come back," Rock laughed to himself. You pretend you didn't hear. You headed out the door and checked to make sure it was shut tight behind you, then you carefully trudged down the hill's slope. It was best to get out of the house before his mood got more sour than it already was.

Even if it was the best option, you still hated coming down from the hill. No one has ever said it directly to you, but you knew everyone disliked you, if not hated you. Your kind didn't have that great of a reputation on the isle, for obvious reasons. It was so bad that you couldn't go anywhere near the village without either everyone locking their doors or Rocma trailing five paces behind you.

And yet despite all the bad luck that came with you, you had your own perks as well. More specifically, you could walk directly through the orca danger zone without fear.

The rest of the ocean may have been clear of any fish, but not in the waters of the danger zone. Everything had been scared off out of fear of orcas. You would fish here more often, but if a resident spotted you, that just left an even worse impression. Today just so happened to be a day when the coast was clear.

You headed out to the ice and knew you were there when you saw the wall of danger signs. You didn't bothering to read any as you walked by and onto the ice. You wished that would have been that.

All went well for a while. You set up on the shore without a problem, caught two small fish, and you were poking a hook through some bait before it happened. The undeniable smell of nicotine polluted the air around you, striking a sense of fear into your heart.

You should have been used to it after living with Rock so long, but no. It was ten times more potent than what the inside of Rock's house smelled like. And that was an entire interior space, not just a person alone.

A black dorsal fin poked its head out of the water and made a beeline to where you were sitting. You screeched and yanked your line out of the water, hoping it didn't hit something as you took a step back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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