Liliya x God!Reader - What A Jerk

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Requested by AllyAnime2006!

A/N: Sorry this took a while! It was kinda difficult to write, I'm not used to writing Mogeko characters that haven't appeared in anything. Anyway, have fun reading!


   First it was booming voices around you, and then suddenly- silence. Only the pitter patter of your own teardrops pierced the quiet air.

   It was cowardly. Beyond cowardly to run away from your own world. The world you made. The world you ruled. But what other choice did you have? It was either die in shame or live in shame, and you much rather preferred to live.

   So this was the place. It was the only world you ever knew of, and therefore could run away to. The stories were passed along of a god that had been disrespected for years, apparently, because of what they did to their devil. You heard that they made them cry. What a jerk.

   Still, this world was better than nothing. Plus, where you ended warping in was a good place to sob in solitude.
At least, what you thought.

   “Woah, where did you come from?”

   The voice had hovered above you nearby. You looked up to be face to face with a man with blue hair and formal attire. The question ‘who are you and where have I seen you before’ rang in your head, but you decided not to ask.

   “I was on a stroll, and you came out of thin air! What’s a pretty little angel like you doing all the way out here?”

   You shifted uncomfortably, wiping the tears from your face in hopes he didn’t notice. Right. You were truly in the middle of nowhere, on a flowerbed, crying. That would be questionable. Although you don’t know how he could have mistaken you for an angel.

   “None of your business,” you huffed, turning away slightly.

   “Aw. Come on,” he nudged your back slightly. You back around, about to snap ‘what’, when you noticed he was holding a blue rose, gesturing to you. “Tell me about yourself.”

   You felt quite flattered, and about fell for it, if you hadn’t accepted the rose first. The second you held it, thorns plucked through the palm of your hand. You winced and tossed it to the ground, “That still had thorns on it!”

   He burst out laughing. “Ah, oldest trick in the book. It’s just a little good humor, don’t get so mad.”

   “Who do you think you are, anyway?” you narrowed your eyes. A small stream of blood was still trickling down your hand.

   “Uh, Liliya, duh? God of Flower World?”

   “Ah, I’ve heard stories about you,” you said “So beat it. I don’t like to associate with jerks like you.”

   “I mean, I could leave. Or, I couuuuld just banish you, like, right now.”

   You could feel color drain from every inch of your face. You really didn’t care for first impressions, but if you were going to live in this world, maybe not upsetting it’s god wouldn’t be the best idea? You’d already had one war too many. Even if he couldn’t fulfill his words, it was still a bad mark on your name.

   “…I’m sorry,” you lowered your head slightly “Although, it would kinda be fun to see you try and banish another god..”

   “Hm, another god? Interesting,” Liliya sat down beside you. “Why don’t you do what I told you earlier, and tell me about yourself?”

   “I’m [Y/N]. That’s all to me, really.” You were going to withhold most information. By the looks on his face, he was about to press on, but a simple glare stopped him.

   Suddenly you hand had been lifted off the ground. You whipped your head around to see Liliya had picked it up, observing the cut left by the thorn from earlier. “Ah. I didn’t think it’d hurt that bad. Here, let me fix it.” A wave of his hand over yours, and it was healed.

“…I could have done that myself, you know,” grumbling, you yanked your hand away.

   He sighed dramatically, “I really like you, y’know? You don’t have to keep playing so hard to get.”

   What in god’s..well, your name..did he think he was saying? You felt charmed at the words, but why? Weren’t you supposed to be hating him? “You are insufferable. If you won’t leave, I will. Good day to you, sir.”

  Lilya seemed…actually, you weren’t quite sure? It was a new look on his face from what you’ve seen, that’s for sure.  “Good day,” Somehow without grabbing your attention immediately, he took your hand, kissed it, and then warped away into thin air, “Ciao!”

   Your entire face felt hotter than the sun, having been made a fool out of yourself. It was about time to stomp away and hide for the next eternity. It was a huge mistake coming to this world. Dying would have felt better than this.

   Why, oh why, did it have to be you? Why did you have to run into that jerk?

   And why did you almost want to see him again?

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