Ch. 1

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''Can you please stop breathing down my neck I cannot fall asleep'', Jimin whispered, making you feel his lips against your hair.
You snorted and shifted away from him, his arms automatically tightening around you and pulling you back onto his chest.
''That's not what I meant'', he whined making you sigh.
''Jiminie it's 2am what are you even doing next to me. You have a huge comfortable bed waiting for you and a roommate who will complain, once again may I add, that I'm stealing you away from him''
The roommate being Hoseok, and even though he loved you like a sister he also noticed Jimin being gone way too often.
Granted, he had a point. It wasn't like you and Jimin dated, justifying the boy sleeping in your bed.

But it all had started with you standing in front of the boys' dorm crying because you had one of the worst nightmares of your life. While Jin had made you tea, Jimin and Taehyung had tried to comfort you with hugs and little kisses against your temple. It all ended with you falling asleep in Jimin's arms and ever since you two turned sleeping together into a habit. It was safe, warm and comforting. And neither of you wanted to miss it.

''If you thought I'd be able to move my ass back to the dorm after eating all your Christmas cookies you are wrong''
You sighed in exasperation but Jimin could feel the smile on your lips. Both of you knew that neither minded spending the nights together - simply sleeping.
But bickering was your thing and as long as you two did that, it meant you didn't have to face the issue surrounding your closeness.
Were friends supposed to feel these things?
''Then stop complaining and let me sleep'', you yawned shifting your legs in between his. Your hand was grabbing the sleeves of his t-shirt while his hands rested on your back.
''We can sleep in tomorrow so who cares'', he grinned, enjoying how your body felt pressed against his.
''I'm tired Jimin so please shut up'', you whined closing your eyes and acting like you were already deep in dreamland.

Jimin chuckled and lightly played with your hair before he yawned as well and closed his eyes.
''I'll talk to Hoseok to stop giving you a hard time.'', he murmured.
''No he's just joking it's alright. He did suggest though that I sleep over at yours so he can come get a cuddle, too.''
Your giggle made Jimin smile, slightly annoyed at Hoseok though. He knew that he only saw you as a sister but the thought of having to share your nightly cuddles with his friend didn't sit too well with Jimin.
''We wouldn't catch any sleep with Hoseok in the room.''
''Oh c'mon Jimin, it's not like I never sleep at yours. And I'm not catching any sleep right now either, right?''
He stayed silent but you could hear him nibbling at his lips. God, as comfortable you felt sleeping next to him, sometimes you couldn't refrain from imagining how those plumb lips felt like. He probably didn't intend to tease you, but in the dark all your senses were heightened making you feel hyper-aware of the boy next to you.
''Stop thinking I can't sleep when you're so loud'', you murmured making Jimin erupt in laughter.
''Okay okay, sleep tight Y/N.''
He buried his face in your hair, inhaling the scent that smelled like home to him.You could feel his lips against your hair, feel his breath and hear his heartbeat. And even though you had to fight the urge to press your own lips against his jaw you felt more than happy just laying in his embrace. And that would have to be enough for now.
''Sweet dreams, Chim''

Sweet Dreams [BTS: Park Jimin Imagine]Where stories live. Discover now