Hardly had they disappeared than Bill threw himself on Malfoy who still could not move and sent him a masterful right before spitting in a barely audible voice, his eyes overflowing with hatred:

-If something ever happens to him or to the baby I promise you that I will kill you! Even if I have to finish my life in Askaban I will kill you! I hope that...

-Leave it Bill! Do not do anything you could regret! interrupted Tonks, who had just arrived with one of his colleagues, the aurors having been alerted by some passers-by.

- I take care of him, go to join Harry.

Seeing that he was not determined to move, she added:

-Va Bill, I promise you he'll be judged for what he did!

-Okay ... and you! he grunted in the direction of the blond that the second auror had raised and handcuffed, never approaching him any more you hear? Never again! And do not forget what I promised you! Then addressing his friend he added:

-Previens Remus okay? I am going to see how he is doing and I am joining you at the ministry to give my testimony. I do not want this son of a bitch to have the slightest sense of escape!

-I agree Bill! But now go join him, he needs you! By the way, I had another opportunity to tell you but ... congratulations! And reassure you, I'm sure they're fine.

-Thank you Dora! Right away. He finished before apparating to Hogsmeade with Ron and Hermione.

Dumbledore, who until now had not intervened, finally opened his mouth:

"What you did M Malfoy is this time unforgivable. For aggression and endangering the life of a comrade I declare, as director of Hogwarts that you are now sent back. In addition, as president of the Wizengamot, I declare you under arrest and sentence you to imprisonment in Askaban prison pending your trial. Your can take him! he finished by addressing the ministry representatives before he apparated in his turn without waiting, taking with him the packets that had remained on the chair.

Meanwhile, Bill and the other two were running towards the infirmary. As they entered, they found Harry sleeping in a bed, the complexion slightly less pale than a little earlier, and Severus sitting on a chair at his bedside holding his hand.

"What are they going to do?" Bill asked worriedly, clearing a lock of hair from her husband's forehead.

-It will go. Pompom said that the baby has nothing. Harry's magic protected him by diverting most of the spell. He, however, has a slight concussion and will have to lie down until the end of the week to recover from the effort he has provided. He should be able to go out a little before the banquet at the beginning of the year. By then, he will need a maximum of rest. He used almost all his magic reserves to protect your son. That's why he was so bad: when he was too weak to maintain the defenses he had erected, they fell at once, causing a great loss of magic.

-Thank you very much for staying with him Severus!

-You're welcome! After all the life of my godchild was also at stake and my role is good to protect him no? In fact, Pompom was forced to do an ultrasound to see if everything was in order and it's a boy!

-I was sure of it! Did you hear my love? I was right from the beginning.

-I ... I see that it makes you happy! whispered a muffled voice

-How are you my love? Bill asked kissing Harry who had just woken up

-It could get better but it's ok! I just have a very bad headache.

-Take this! said Severus, handing him a vial of potion

-Thank you! Have you been there for a long time Sev?

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