His Home

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It took a moment for the student to understand what Mr. Fischbach was implying. Ethan stuttered for a moment then pulled himself together. The fair-skinned male shook his head, "I don't need any, sir, and I have some errands to run." he was proud of himself for saying that without stuttering even once. Mr. Fischbach didn't react, his expression stoic. "Very well...my door is always open."

Picking up his bag, he kept his gaze locked on the taller male's for another moment then broke it. Pacing quicker to leave the room. Once he was out, he could calm down. The tension in that room was enough to make him stop breathing. Was the professor doing that on purpose? And why the hell was he so...off? It just didn't seem right.

Returning to his dorm room, Ethan set his bag on his desk and sat on the edge of the bed. Grabbing his laptop, he opened it and searched 'Fischbach'
A bunch of results came up- but none were what he wanted. What did he want? Pictures? History? A criminal report? He wasn't usually this intrigued by his teachers. Since they were usually old farts. Something didn't sit right with him about the bronze-skinned professor. Ethan felt a little bad for trying to stalk him but he couldn't help his curiosity. Putting away the laptop, he laid back and stared at the ceiling. This was going to be a long semester.

About a week of taking that class, Ethan found himself failing. As he knew he would. Except the more he saw and talked to Mr. Fischbach, the more he found his heart pounding for the taller professor. Ethan knew it wouldn't end well. It never did. Many times did the teacher ask for him to stay afterward, only to be met with a 'no' and Ethan's departure. This was most likely for the best. He couldn't let himself get tangled into a mess.

Only Mr. Fischbach grew more...provocative. On most occasions, he was extremely professional. Kept to himself, only talked to the students when required to. Ethan liked this- it gave him space and the ability to keep his impulse under control. The professor seemed to know what he liked and what he didn't like. Always adjusting himself or making himself known. Even going as far as to lean over his desk and whisper right into his ear, during class. Did this guy have no self-control?!

Finally, it was the third Friday he had been with this odd professor. As much as he tried to deny himself, he knew he was falling for Mr. Fischbach, even if it wasn't the way he wanted to fall in love with someone. Usually, it took time and getting to know the other person, but it was like he was bewitched. Mr. Fischbach walked right up to his desk and blocked his path from leaving. "Ethan. I know you've noticed my...behavior for the past few weeks." he tapped his fingers on the table, keeping his gaze locked with Ethan's. "I know you're observant enough to understand what I'm getting at here-"

"-I'm going to have to cut you off right there." Ethan gave him a cocky smile, "But let me give you this: If I were to sleep with my boss and people found out. That would be more on the boss, wouldn't it? And who says the employee won't tell on the boss for being so...provocative?" Mr. Fischbach, smiled, for the first time in never. Ethan completely melted at that smile, even if it seemed a little...sinister. "Like I said. Smart. but something tells me you won't tell." he replied with an arch of his eyebrow. God, this guy was really cocky.

Ethan stuttered, trying to get a response. He knew it was useless because it was true. "What tells you that, huh?" The professor chuckled and tapped his temple with a finger, "A little birdy told me." he replied in a husky voice, leaning over Ethan's desk. The auburn-haired male leaned back and let out a shaky breath. "S-Sir-"

"-Hush...you've wanted this for weeks. I teach psychology. I can see that you get a little turned on from just watching me teach." Finally, their lips collided and it was as if the world faded away. A pure bliss. Mr. Fischbach's lips were soft and comfortable. They molded with Ethan's effortlessly. Taking no time to become passionate. Ethan emitted a muffled moan, not expecting it. Closing his eyes, Ethan felt his cheeks and jaw get cupped by Mr. Fischbach's firm hands.

Rocking into the kiss, the professor suddenly pulled away. "There are better places to do this. How about my place." That set off some alarms for Ethan but something urged him to say okay. As if he was in a vision or a dream, they headed to a fancy car. Some pieces of the dream got cut out and they were there.

Ethan tugged himself out of the dream-like daze. It was a large home. One that a professor would most certainly have. Although it wasn't a million dollar home, it certainly could pass as one. Once the vehicle was parked, Ethan stepped out. His eyes scanned the gorgeous home as Mr.Fischbach adjusted his red tie before walking up the cobbled path to the front doors. Following, he approached the large double oak doors. They were stunning to look at and he was even more excited to see inside.

Opening the doors, the professor gestured outward at the inside. "Please...come in and make yourself at home." His words were sweet and kind but his intense gaze gave away the true intent. The student didn't mind, it was flattering, to say the least. Ethan took off his shoes as Mr. Fischbach shut the door behind him. Gaze relishing in the interior before him, he turned back to the teacher. A bright grin on his face as he was about to compliment his home. Only to drop to a nervous smile.

Fischbach had his eyes locked on Ethan. There was an odd, new energy to the room that made the hair on the back of his neck prickle. Before he could say anything- Mr. Fischbach's skin color drained. Slowly. As if his very soul was being sucked away. It started with the hair. The deep, rich brown shifted into black. Next came the skin. It's usual bronze vibrancy desaturating into a silvery-grey. Ethan couldn't believe his eyes. Was he hallucinating? There was no way this was real.

"I'm so glad you could join me...Ethan." His voice was sultry and condescending. "M-Mr.Fischbach-" Ethan stuttered before getting cut off, "No. My name is Dark. And I will be in control as of tonight."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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