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this one is more messed up than usual lmao

-I go visit my friend tigerlark to stay with her

-I have bad dreams about this girl called nadia who sabotages tigerlark's mom and somehow there's another girl named jana involved (i'm jana)

-we get woken up at 3 to leave because something happens to the house (witching hour?). I get plagued by visions and bad dreams about the nadia and apparently she isn't human?? ghost maybe? demon?

-I dress up and by this time tigerlark and some other girls(there's an older girl and 2 younger girls, i suppose they're sisters?) have left the house and gone to the seventh floor. we live on 9th, which is tigerlark's new house and I run to go meet her as the house has demons or something that are chasing me out and suddenly the place looks like a mall, and we're looking down at shoppers on the lower floors

the house in my dream keeps flickering between my house and hers.

we visit someone's house that looks like my cousins house because I tell tigerlark about my bad dreams and she says they are spiritual healers that can help.

I bring an amulet my mom has, says I should bring (last time) for protection

(I wear it before exiting the house into the chilly night.I also remember wearing a blue shirt, black shorts and wanting to put on a jacket but the older girl said there's no time)

I talk with tigerlark in the mall place about my dreams and how this nadia has sabotaged her mom with something and is working with another jana.

she gets mad and says she suspected it. she advises me to go see some people in order to get rid of these bad visions and hauntings. 

I trip into a god dimension(asgard? some dream dimension?) and i meet this healing guardian goddess who treats me well and teaches me and cares for me. there is also a time where i'm a witch(hogwarts) and training under snape as part of a simulation. like spells. i tried to throw a rictumsempra spell but I forgot how to do the hand movements.

I also meet loki and thor.thor is conducting a sparing lesson. loki(the avengers version) kills an overexcited girl next to me and i'm frightened he's going to kill me too but the guardian intercepts.

later the guardian and a few other angel guardians ask me about my experience and that should I come back, I need to be completely open and free of other energy

I take out my amulet and ask if this is what they mean??

they're shocked because the amulet is of the spirit world but it's a strong protection. they tell me that with the protection i've learnt and with the amulet, I should be ready. I thank them and leave, and it's sunset when I go.

I meet up with wan yen again and we get ready to go to our respective homes. i try to write down the things i've learnt on the pavement for some reason (so that i can recall?) but cancel it out. wan yen's walked way ahead and i race to catch up.

(at this point, we're at the old library estate area)

we walk to the bus stop near her house to take bus. I wait for 39 but then it's very crowded. I guess because peak hour

an announcement comes from speakers announcing that bus services have halted due to technical errors. next bus in 1h 45 mins

there's a bus officer's station nearby the bus stop so we all go there and take a seat. it has an office space with a computer, a bed and the walls have pictures on them with various themes:
-star wars
-car accident footage
-planes? I forgot

in the station, there's a lot of people from my school  like my classmates and friends including some boys from the neighbouring school, but I talk to them and they seem nice.

the computer's unlocked so we got curious and take a look inside. we watch some violent car accident footage that leaves many of us scarred for life and hiding behind our hands.

we decide to leave that alone and discuss the office's decor. after that, i hop on the internet to google something and watch some youtube videos.

someone near the outside tells me the guy is coming back. I rush to close the tabs and we all act like normal. my friend ava somehow wants to hide under the bed and I tell her not to lmao (my other friend adam laughs at her decision)

I kinda forget what happens after that

other details I forgot how they fit:
-a book about hux and bringing it home to show my dad and uncle

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